Anxiety Symptom Help ❤️: my anxiety has been... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety Symptom Help ❤️

lavender212 profile image
33 Replies

my anxiety has been completely debilitating and i’ve gone to a neurologist, cardiologist, endless hospital trips, and i’m seeing a pulmonologist next week. so far, everything is just anxiety which is a good thing it’s not a serious medical condition. i experience these symptoms everyday and it’s so exhausting :(( do you guys deal with these? i did get my covid shot (1st) almost 2 weeks ago but i’ve been dealing with these symptoms for a long time :( i am so exhausted and feel so hopeless

-shortness of breath

-chest pain/ chest pressure/chest tightness/ chest “soreness”

-heart aches/sharp pains in heart/heart palpitations

-lump in throat/feeling like you can’t swallow

-numbness/tingly in limps

-lightheaded/dizziness/ tingly in head/ cold feeling in head/ head zaps

-muscle twitches

-constantly tired and so weak

-derealization or dissociation/ depersonalization


-heavy feeling in arms

thank you guys i appreciate it so much❤️

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lavender212 profile image
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33 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi lavaender212, I totally understand and have felt all the symptoms you described.

I had what I called "my team" of doctors (specialists from every dept) I had CT scans,

MRIs, X-rays and lab tests, all proving negative to a medical issue but positive for Anxiety.

What should have made me happy, didn't. In some bizarre way I almost wished they would

find something they could remove, I could heal from and go on with my life.

Telling us it's anxiety, just makes us feel doomed in living like this forever.

But I did find after years of begging and pleading to doctors to help me, that there are

ways to attack Anxiety. Acceptance that it is not a life threatening condition as well as

medication with therapy. Working on our stress triggers in life can reduce the constant

fight or flight feeling which in turn produces high levels of adrenaline.

There are so many things to say and do but we must believe that we can overcome our issues. Once we believe in that, the next thing is to actively go forward.

I'm glad you are here with us...Together we will help you take that first most important step :) xx

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to Agora1

thank you soso much. for the past few weeks i have had such a hard time believing that i can even heal from anxiety because of how bad it’s gotten. i was believing that this was it and that this is who i’ll be for the rest of my life. i just wanted to give up.

i greatly appreciate your comment thank you so much. i’m so glad to be apart of this group with you guys you all make me feel so safe and normal knowing i’m not the only one going through this❤️

I had SEVERE GAD a few years ago. Had everything on your list and more. At some point ... I just had to quit going to the doctor's. The meds weren't working .... some made it worse. The tests all came back 'normal'.

My brother had anxiety, too. He was on the doctor merry-go-round. He said it was taking all his time and causing him stress, too. So he quit ... and feels much better now.

Did you ever notice how doctors operate on fear. They tell you .... well, we have to test ... it could be this disease .... or it could be this chronic debilitating syndrome .... then, after we do all this time consuming, expensive testing, then we can eliminate everything and tell you it's anxiety.

From the looks of it ... it's time you face up to the fact you have anxiety and learn to resolve it yourself, like I did. I had the worst case possible, if I can heal it with natural therapies, lifestyle changes, and supplements, then you can, too.

I'll send you tips that I used to help heal me. It doesn't happen immediately, but over the weeks and months you will begin to heal. You've been dealing with this paper tiger too long.

Myspace1 profile image
Myspace1 in reply to The_Lord_is_with_Us

How did you do it pls

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to The_Lord_is_with_Us

thank you so much. this means so much to me. i would love for you to send me tips that worked for you please!

your reply gave me hope for healing. i have lost so much hope these past 2 years and thought that i would just live like this forever.

Bleu1990 profile image
Bleu1990 in reply to The_Lord_is_with_Us

hi I’m going through now, could you tell me how you dealt with it

The_Lord_is_with_Us profile image
The_Lord_is_with_Us in reply to Bleu1990

Here's what I did. I hope it helps you:

My mind & body was in overdrive. Had to CALM it.

1. Did Guided Meditation by Glen Harrold UK Hypnotist (and others) sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. After a couple of weeks I could sleep almost normally without the churning mind.

2. Quit feeding my mind with nonstop negative news from internet. Had to separate myself from pc (to detox). Or it could be negative TV. Whatever causes stress or anxiety, eliminate it.

3. Began healthful diet. No corporate foods. No fast foods. No soda pop, only water (filtered if possible). No alcohol. Nothing that causes anxiety: no energy drinks. No coffee. No caffeine. No cigarettes. No marijuana. No candy or sugar or donuts. Modern diet is fertilizer for anxiety.

4. Eliminate unnecessary OTC pills and products AND unnecessary Doctor prescriptions. Mainstream meds put stress and strain on system. Consult doctor to see what can be trimmed or eliminated. I was put on several anti-anxiety meds. ALL made things worse, in my case. When I transferred to gentle supplements, then I began to heal. Not overnight, but in a few weeks. I took Rhodiola, Ashwaganda. There are several stress-reduction formulas. I drank chamomile and other soothing, calming teas each day.

5. Listen to calming music during the day. NO multitasking. No driving while looking at your phone. In fact, ditch phone and only look at it once briefly each day.

6. Start exercising. Ideally, it might be working up to a 90 minute walk each day. If you get bored, fill an MP3 player with positive, calming utube audio or music. Along with walking, perform calisthenics or elastic tube training 3 or 4 days per week. You can get quite fit (with no heavy weights) doing 30 minute daily workouts.

7. Put a drop of Lavender Oil on each side of pillow before bed. Black out windows so no light gets in while sleeping. Additionally, you might buy a White Noise generator to block exterior noise and help you sleep better.

8. Begin reading books about anxiety that will tell you what a paper tiger it really is. Some will reeducate your mind to quit seeing the world as SAFE or CATASTROPHIC. The world is not black and white, but made of many thousands of gradations in between. Worriers always catastrophize about everything. Wasn't it Mark Twain who said it was great that 99% of everything he worried about over his lengthy lifetime ... never happened.

9. We look to Doctors for answers to health needs. Sorry to tell you this, but Doctors aren't always the answer. Sometimes, they make things worse. Take responsibility for your own mental health. Doctors are pill-based chemists, who have strayed from traditional healing. Now, Doctors do very well at gunshots and broken bones, but often do terribly with chronic issues, like anxiety. They also operate on FEAR, which only escalates anxiety. I didn't need that. When I quit their pills and quit listening to their FEAR stream, I began to calm down and heal.

10. Get a Hobby or two. It's amazing what that does for your health when you focus on something you love ... and quit focusing on your every internal twitch and feeling. It helps turn the 'focus' from internal looking in to external and healthy. Were you creative when younger: an artist ... photographer ... scrap booker ... wood worker ... chess player ... pool player ... whatever.

11. Get a pet. I have a cat. Great stress reducer.

Give these tips a try ... and within a couple of months you should notice a huge difference. You'll sleep better. Feel calmer. Calm that churning in your mind and adrenaline feeling in your body. With this foundational plan ... I beat one of the worst cases of stress and anxiety imaginable. You can do it, too. Good Luck!

hypercat54 profile image

There are some very good videos on YouTube so have a look.

Shaymocha111 profile image

Yes totally

Jimmyluke55 profile image

Ye I’m same love wake up shaking every morning fast heart some times can last most of the day exhausted really weak and funny head been on sertraline 6 weeks just hope it works soon xx

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to Jimmyluke55

i am so sorry you experience this too. it truly is exhausting. i really hope sertraline works for you. we can get through this❤️

Jimmyluke55 profile image
Jimmyluke55 in reply to lavender212

Thankyou love hope you feel better soon carole xx

jonghee profile image

What have you been prescribed so far? It sounds like panic attacks that are treated with benzodiazepines.

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to jonghee

i have not been prescribed with anything yet. i am visiting a psychiatrist on the 28th. i do get panic attacks but not as often. these are just daily symptoms that i experience

jonghee profile image
jonghee in reply to lavender212

Well I wish you the best for your doctor's visit. It sounds like general anxiety/panic disorder to me, which I've suffered from. There a lots of treatments available, so I hope you get well soon. Take care and stay safe.

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to jonghee

thank you so much i really appreciate it❤️

Sleeplessme profile image

Just another to reinforce your assurance here. I too have felt all the same symptoms. Bad enough that I considered ending it all. However, Claire Weekes self help book, people here and self determination has, at the moment, eradicated anxiety for me.I'm currently awaiting a CT scan result, but I already know it will be all clear. Like agora said, I kinda hope they find something I can work with but I know they won't. Thankfully, since the CT scan was originally planned, I've feel like I've dealt with the anxiety and the other problems seem to have disappeared.

Keep going, keep fighting, and keep learning. It can be dealt with.

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to Sleeplessme

thank you so much.❤️ hearing you and everyone else who experiences symptoms like me make me feel safe to know that i’m not alone. i get so many depressive episodes from my anxiety and these past 2 weeks have been so exhausting. i will definitely look into the book you suggested. i am desperate at this point

Jimmyluke55 profile image
Jimmyluke55 in reply to Sleeplessme

Why you had a ct scan love xx

Sleeplessme profile image
Sleeplessme in reply to Jimmyluke55

Sorry for the late reply, it was an abdomen scan due to my ongoing problems down there. However, it seems that since my years of anxiety has finally, hopefully, come to an end, so have my other problems.

Anxiety can do SO much damage, but, as I'll always remind people, it can be dealt with!

Jimmyluke55 profile image
Jimmyluke55 in reply to Sleeplessme

Thanks love xx

Sapgirl profile image

Hi I feel like I wrote your post out lol. I have been feeling like this since june 2019 and I've seen cardiologists neurological docs falls and syncope clinics the lot and apart from I was diagnosed with POTS everything including the trigger for pots have been anxiety. I suffer with constant pins and needles tremors headache dizzy spells light-headedness nausea but never being sick leg cramps heart palpitations skipped beats tachycardia chest pain shakyness shortness of breath weakness literally everything you have said and this is a daily basis... not one day In two years has gone by where I havnt had one of those things xx

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to Sapgirl

i have never heard of POTS before. I am pretty sure if I had it one is the doctors i went to would have found it hopefully. i also did blood work about a month ago and everything was normal. Maybe i should talk to my doctor about that? thank you so much for sharing❤️

Sapgirl profile image
Sapgirl in reply to lavender212

Aw all my bloods and echo? ECG etc were normal too... in the end I paid private and had a tilt table test... if you Google it it will give more details but to be honest the majority of my symptoms are Purley anxiety based.... it kills me it literally ruins my day to the point I'm scared to do things knowing I'm guna have these symptoms. So it's nice to hear there is someone else out there the same. Although not nice for u lol but u know what I mean lol. Hope your not suffering to much x

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to Sapgirl

I will follow up with my doctor on POTS to see if I can get tested just to be on the safe side. I was recently diagnosed with Exercise Induced Asthma. I have had so much difficulty exercising the past 10 months i’d get so dizzy and lightheaded and i can’t breathe. and was a regular athlete. so it will be good to weigh out all of my options to know if i have it. thank you so much this really helped me❤️ i really hope things start to get better for you. no one deserves to go through this.

Sapgirl profile image
Sapgirl in reply to lavender212

I'm exactly the same it's so awful isn't it. I used to love football and the gym and now i barley run up the stairs or my heart has loads of skipped beats and I get lightheaded and laboured breathing... then the weight came 🙈 I would definitely do a little research. It won't do any harm. Hope you find the answer you need x

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to Sapgirl

thank you so much

PurpleTeacup profile image

So sorry you're going through this. You're not alone.

I've been using the Calm app to help me when anxiety rears its ugly head. I hate waking up with palpitations or heavy chest feeling. All the doctor appointments and tests show everything as "normal" but it doesn't feel like I'm normal.

lavender212 profile image
lavender212 in reply to PurpleTeacup

yes that is so true it never feels normal because is how intense the feelings are. I am downloading the calm app now thank you so much i really appreciate it.

lavender212 profile image

i do breathing and relaxation exercises. however i need to stay consistent with them. i get so drained and exhausted from my symptoms that i feel like doing nothing but i need to push harder. i have not tried the others you mentioned but i will definitely try those. thank you so much

lavender212 profile image

yes i do play the violin and that’s so cool i love listening to classical music too! it is one of the things i do to help me relax. i will check out youtube for a breathing exercise sessions to see if that can help also.

lavender212 profile image

I am looking up the video now thank you so much. also, i am a Bach lover too. Bach and Vivaldi have always been my favorite. i also love Chopin even though he is a pianist composer. Nocturne no. 20 in C sharp minor arranged for violin is so beautiful and heartwarming.

Bleu1990 profile image

hi I’m experiencing all of this right now. Have you gotten better if so what’s helped you?

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