I really need help with my anxiety. It’s more so the physical symptoms that make me turn into a emotional wreck. I have leg, arm and chest pain, plus headaches constantly. I’m so scared this will take a toll on my actual health. I’ve already been to the cardiologist when my anxiety started a few months back but my mind keeps thinking I could have a heart attack. Now I’m dealing with the pain but also shortness of breath. I wanna try genexa stress relief so I won’t have to take any prescribed medications since I’m only 18. Please tell me I’m not alone.
Struggling so bad with anxiety symptoms - Anxiety Support
Struggling so bad with anxiety symptoms

Hi Mel dont worry u are not alone, i went thru very similar symptoms in july last yr and didnt understand what was wrong with me. I too got many ECGs and was at my gp every week everytime I was getting chest pains, feelin faint, confused, tightness in chest, feeling nervous and not settled only to be told is anxiety. When we havent gone thru this it is scary to put it mildly, i tried natural ways to deal woth this thru herbal remedies, counselling, kinesiolgist, massage and found they helped but i couldnt stop the anxiety. I fought as long as i could with avoiding medication but felt defeated so i saw my gp who prescribed anxiety meds and have been feeling almost back to my old self. I tried everything to avoid meds but if anxiety is constant and nothing else works, i recommend chatting to your gp. I started on meds nearly 2 mths ago and although I went thru some side effects when i started on them, they have been great. I am able to function normally at work and home again- i thought I was losing my mind but thank god there is help to get us back to normal. I walk most evenings as that helped when i was having a panic attack as well as anxiety and just in the habit of walking. So dont despair and talk to your gl and get some help with meds, you will find you can be yourself again and start living. Good luck and lets us know how you go!😊
Also try mindfullness techniques, you can download apps like smiling mind, relax and calm apps and they are relaxing and amazing.
You are definitely not alone. Breathe in 5 seconds, hold for 2 seconds and out for 5 seconds, repeat until you feel the calm. not a miracle but it will calm you down (sometimes; just being honest)
Can I ask what medication finally brought you relief?
I have had anxiety for years, I think the pains are anxiety related, I get them, but I don't tell the docs about them because I'm anxious I will be told I'm dying. I have Been having them for over 10 years and I'm still alive, with no physical illness or diagnosis. I was reassured when I realised anxiety causes pain to be honest.
No where near alone, i suffer the same thing and found tons of people like me on this website alone and in real life, i went to doctors for nasuea and pain and many symptoms that was caused by stress, but they say im fine, i cant always shake off the stress but when you see time passing and you are fine you will calm eventually, i know its hard but try psycological suggestion , say sentences like “youre strong” “youre healthy” “youre fine” and you will start feeling better, for me deep breathing is key, i deep bretah until i feel relaxed almost dizzy i guess...it helps , i just panicked when i felt numbness in my left hand and neck the first time i got stressed, i measured my bp and it was 150/100 while my normal is 110/70 or less, i freaked out and thought im having a heart attack, nothing happened that was more than a month ago, im 17 and i let the irrational thoughts get to me eventhiugh deep down we all know how likely and unlikely they are..it was nervewracking, i didnt feel the same since but im getting close to, im doing more things normally now, not letting it control me , it sucks to go through and its hard but just cinvince yourself this is your brain playing games, it took alot for me to get a physical symptoms and actually feel ok with it and accept it, because i use logic, knowing im healthy and young, i go to doctors and they say im fine, i have support, and whatever happpens so be it ..try to calm, i meditate now and use breathing exercises, using the app “simple habit” was a game changer i stopped getting as severe physical symptoms, i feel calmer and much better, even when i get very worried its much less horribke than before, its annoying but bearable ..and im starting to have hope again and think about my life again and myself and stuff
You are never alone. I am not much older than you, I’m 21 and went through many blood tests, echocardiograms and electrocardiograms, MRIs and CT scans to be reassured that there is nothing wrong with me. I had your pain plus some. I don’t want you to go through all of this medical check ups because it is stressfull. Please talk to your GP first to exclude any physical or medical condition that could be causing your pain, and if you already did that and been diagnosed with anxiety than you need to start to accept it as your new reality. I’m not gonna lie to you, some days it’s gonna be better and some days it’s gonna be worse. I don’t want to influence on your decision regarding medications, but I can tell you that I took Xanax when I was only 16 years old when my father passed away as it left me with a lot of depression. It saved me back then and I safely stopped taking the pills when I got better. I also take meds now, SSRI’s and Xanax. And I feel better. Not completely good, but I don’t end up in the ER every day nor do I have pains of all sorts and rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath everyday. I still have fear, but my physical symptoms are relatively under control. I repeat, I do not want to advise you about medications, that is your decision to make. I just share my experience. I wish you good luck.
Thank you all so much for the encouragement and the advice💖my thoughts can really be out of control and the symptoms don’t make it any better! It sometimes feel like this would be better if I would just die so I won’t have to deal with all of this chaos in my body. Its been a rough two day but I ’ll try to take it one day at a time. I hope the best for all of you!
Please do not say that. Please do not harm yourself in any way. You are worth it. There are a lot of people who LOVE you indeed. You are capable of so much. We are all here to help you. ❤️
Have you tried Buddhism ? I went when I was at an extremely low ebb, just once to a group meeting, It was a very nice environment with people from all walks of life, I can't stick to groups because I work away and need a strict routine to stay balanced, however I came away from there with a chant that I was told to do as soon as I wake up and at any time of anxious thoughts and when I go to bed. It actually worked to block out the anxious thoughts, I also got a CD with the same chant, I don't know how it works, it's possibly because the words don't make sense and are difficult to get right, so you have to concentrate on what your saying, which stops your negative thoughts in their tracks. The chant goes something like this
Nem-yo-Rengke-Chai-o you just keep repeating it over and over, no matter where you are or what your doing, as soon as you feel an anxious thought coming, I am going to get back to do doing this as it definitely worked for me, I think I just forgot about this because my anxiety flares up then dies dkwn.
I know you say you don't want to try meds, but propranolol can be taken as and when needed