So the past 3 days i’ve felt really lightheaded accompanied by pressure in my temples & forehead and sometimes my ears like constant pressure but not painful just uncomfortable and feels like my brains being squeezed which is scary, i’ve been on fluoxetine for 4 weeks so i don’t know if it’s related but it’s proper scaring me , anyone else had anything like this?
Head pressure and dizziness: So the past... - Anxiety Support
Head pressure and dizziness
Hi Charlottexo, The symptoms you are experiencing sound typical of anxiety and stress.
However since we are not doctors, it is always best to let your doctor know what you have
been experiencing in the last 3 days especially because you are new to your medication.
I use to have the same sensation and symptoms in my head as you. Please keep us updated xx
That med has side effects and warnings a mile long ..... dizziness and others you describe. I also had SEVERE Generalized Anxiety Disorder and that can cause very strange symptoms, too.
I healed my severe GAD with supplements, natural therapies, and lifestyle changes. I'll send you what I did to put it into remission.
I’ve been dealing with the same thing. Makes it so hard to function. I hope it goes away soon for both of us
it’s horrible isn’t it, what do you think it is?
I keep being told it’s anxiety. It’s hard to believe that anxiety alone could cause this horrible feeling.
I have the exact same symptoms and obviously not being a doctor i cannot say what the cause is for either of us, but reading other replies it makes a lot of sense that it could just be the anxiety causing the symptoms. they make it hard to get through the day, often feel like i’ve floated through the day and can’t really remember much of what i’ve done all day. i wonder if we’re experiencing the same thing or not stay strong