Any body on sertraline and how long before you felt any better please xx
Sertraline : Any body on sertraline and how... - Anxiety Support

Hi I was prescribed sertraline and it took 4 weeks to feel better. During that time I had really bad anxiety and felt completely awful. But I stuck with it and am a lot better now so my suggestion is to stick with it 👍
Aww thanks for your reply been on it four weeks on Wednesday and to up it to 150 mg on Wednesday hope it works my anxiety as been so bad how much are you on please x
Hi mate I was on sertraline for anxiety November/December 2018. Can’t remember what dose I was on though. I felt horrendous for the first 4 weeks then it levelled out. Think I carried on taking for about 6 months(ish) then stopped them with no problem.
Have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure so am on new meds, they took away my propranolol which was helpful with anxiety and now I’m on Candesartan which is ok but I kind of get the anxiety back at times! 🙄
It’ll get better mate 👍
Hello there. It takes at least a month to start working. My doctor started me off with 50mg then increased to 100mg. I’m still anxious but not as bad as before. Give it time and it will help
I was on Zoloft for weeks. Did nothing for me. It did however generate an INTENSE craving for all things carbohydrates, like potatoes, rice, etc. I gained 30 lbs in a month and was headed for Diabetes and worse.
I asked the Doctor what the craving and weight gain was all about and how it could possibly help me ...... and he just sat there like a mute dolt. Never uttered any kind of intelligent answer . . .
I threw the stuff in the bin.
Now, my mother was on it for years. But, they had her on 20 prescription meds, so no way of knowing whether it helped her or not. She's gone now, but I took a photo of her plastic prescription canisters overflowing her med box ... just to remind me how out-of-control doctor's prescribing can get.
Good Luck!