5th days off sertraline withdrawl horrendous load whooshing sound in head electric shock down arms shaking. Tremors etc only been on 7 weeks terrible side affects any experienced these symptoms and how long did they last or should I hang in there or take another one
Sertraline withdrwal: 5th days off... - Anxiety Support
Sertraline withdrwal

Have you tapered off of them or stopped cold turkey?
I was only on 25 mg for about 5 weeks gradually went down to half then a quarter then stopped after that 5 days ago I went to 50 mg few days but had terrible problems taking a bit of diazapam whilst I’m still on withdrwal the whooshing in head is horrendous electric shocks down arms
I went from Sertraline 100mg then to 50mg for a week and then 0mg.
I had the same symptoms man, if you look at my post history you'll see I had the exact same issue you had a few weeks ago. It sounds like you've got a bit of SSRI discontinuation syndrome going on, it's perfectly normal and pretty much most people experience the side effects. The brain zaps aren't widely known about, but you'll find now on a lot of websites that list the side effects of withdrawal that brain zaps are now showing up on them.
The brain zaps are normal and aren't dangerous, I spoke to my doctor about them multiple times and was told that they are of no concern and that if you ride them out they will stop. I was genuinely concerned about them but again as she said, they're nothing to worry about.
They did get slightly less intense and I didn't notice them as much, but I then went on to Citalopram 20mg five days ago and the zaps stopped within a day.
So are you actually now staying on Sertraline or coming off of it?
Coming off them I have been on 3 different ones done the same it all started when I stopped pregablin for back problems I had brain zaps then which led to depression which never ever had before no I got all sought going on taking diazipam whilst coming of sertraline
How long were you on sertraline
On a positive note though man, you've at least tried three and have found that they don't work for you. Well done, it's an incredibly difficult process to go through a bunch of antidepressants!
I was on Sertraline for a total of seven months, six months at 50mg and one month at 100mg, I've just put a thread up about my experiences with the three of them on the homepage. Sertraline wasn't right for me unfortunately, I felt less anxious but more depressed.
You'll find the right one man, seriously though, well done on going through those three antidepressants, it's a truly rough experience and you will eventually find the right medication for you.
I’m almost off Setraline now. Been on for about 7 months. Started at 25 mg and went up to 100 mg for a couple months. I went down by 25 mg each week and have been on 25 mg now every other day for almost 2 weeks. My last dose will be Tuesday I think. It’s been the most horrible experience! I don’t get the brain zaps but I do get a weird whooshing or SOMETHING on my head. Almost like I’m slow motion or going to pass out. Also some major mood swings. One minute I’m totally happy then the next I’m totally depressed. The last few days I have been so down and depressed. It’s not even depression that I was on them for it was anxiety and OCD. This stuff is powerful. I am coming off because it made me SO forgetful and I hated the way it made me feel. Anxiety went down but it wasn’t worth it for me. Hang in there. All of us lol.
Hi have you weaned off? I came off this time last year and took a quarter of a tablet for a week then just a flake for a of it practically no symptoms! I take kalms now which help a little! Good luck and hang in there
I am on sertraline now, have been for years. I do remember i was unable to afford them as they were 200.00 cash without having been insured. The brain zaps were the only side effect i had which felt like lightning bolts tbh. Scared me but eventually i was able to afford to get back on the med and they went away. That feeling was the worst. Hope everything works out for you.
Hi there
Ive tried to reduce by week, but thats doesnt make me feel good at all, tingles in ma fingers aches etc, spoke to the therapist. She said my body just reacted like that, for your advise you are doing well more then me, i am terriefied to stop tbh
How are you now? I’ve been off for two and a half months now and I swear I’m still withdrawing. It’s horrible!