Hey guys. I’m a 25 year old male that battles with anxiety. And over the last couple months I’ve been experiencing change and finally summoned the courage to see a doctor. I noticed my heart doesn’t beat the same and went to set an appointment to get myself checked out. This was 3 weeks ago. Going on 4 weeks. She ordered a blood work for me and a CT scan because I pointed out that I have a prominent neck vein on my right side neck which has always been there but raised for concern as I’ve recently learned as a nursing student that bulging neck veins are signs of heart problem. That coupled with my change in heart beat, meaning my heart beats feel a lot more faint.. Suggests that something might be wrong. My blood test came back okay. But my CT Scan still hasn’t been scheduled and I feel that they are dragging their feet with the whole process as it’s been 3 weeks now! Keep in mind i have bad anxiety and not knowing what’s going is killing me and robbing me of my sleep and social life. I don’t feel like myself and I don’t like feeling like this. I’m young and want to live my life. Can anyone shed some light. Am I over thinking things? Why are they taking so long to send me the order for CT? Every time I call they say the scheduler lady is busy or not available
Possible heart issue. I feel as though my ... - Anxiety Support
Possible heart issue. I feel as though my doctor and the office don’t care about me
When we have anxiety we always over think things and of course that is what anxiety wants us to do as it can stay in control of us that way
You are young and the chances anything serious is wrong with your heart or anything at all the odds are very low and if the Doctor thought you were in any danger I am sure they would have got you in quicker
As for the veins in your neck some people do have ones that seem to show up more , this does not mean we have heart problems when this happens
Maybe make a few calls and ask when this CT scan might happen explain how it is affecting your anxiety , don't be afraid to let them know because hopefully once they have done it and given you the all clear you will let go and enjoy your life again x
Thank you so much. I really appreciate this. You made me feel a little bit better about the situation
You will be fine you wait and see x
Could you say a prayer for me when you get a chance?
I am not over religious but I will send positive vibes your way x
Thank you so much
I completely understand how you feel. I’ve been going through the same thing. I’ve always felt like doctors don’t care about me and they don’t take me seriously because of my young age and anxiety history. I requested a CT scan a couple months ago as well and I finally just got it done last week... two months later. I think I called the doctors office over 30 times. It’s very frustrating. It is most likely anxiety and anxiety causes all kinds of horrible symptoms but of course you want to get checked out and doctors to take you seriously just to be 100% sure that you don’t have anything serious going on. But I do think if they thought your life was in danger, they would have gotten you in quicker. I’m sure you’re going to be okay. Sending positive vibes your way ❤️
Wow that’s exactly how it’s been for me to! I still haven’t gotten my CT scan done and it’s been giving me anxiety when I actually think about it. Some days are better than others. But it’s frustrating not being taking serious because of my of young age of 25. I’m glad you can relate and are experiencing the same feelings. Hopefully your CT results came back fine. I will probably be contacting my doctors office again to check. But I’m finding encouragement here so far.
I'll give you wise words of advice from someone who had SEVERE anxiety and healed it. I wish someone would have told me this before I spiraled into fear-fueled anxiety and depression. You don't want to go down that worry-about-possible-medical-issues rathole. It will only make things worse for you going forward.
Anxiety can mimic every kind of dreaded disease out there .... and then some. I had all the worries .... and most of the symptoms. It wasn't pretty ... and my fear escalated to incredible heights, which brought on even worse symptoms than I could have possibly imagined.
Finally, I got off the medical merry-go-round and began the process of taking responsibility for my anxiety problem and healing myself. I had to come to terms that EVERY strange symptom I had was anxiety ... and to just move forward healing it and quit pestering doctors who could do absolutely NOTHING for me.