Hello everyone. I’m a 19 year old female. I have suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder almost my whole life. I always have times when it’s worse than others. Some weeks I don’t feel much anxiety and some weeks I’m down and out because I feel too much anxiety. I’m writing this post right now because I have had nonstop anxiety since July and it’s almost October. I’ve been to the ER twice since July. The first time they did an EKG, urine test, blood test, and a chest X-ray. After running all of those tests, it seemed to help me calm down for about a week and then here I am again. I went to the ER maybe 2 weeks ago and they ran an EKG because I told them I was having chest pains and shortness of breath. Apparently everything looked fine. However, I have been feeling like I’m not breathing properly, feel like I’m about to pass out, feel like I can’t relax, my heart starts racing randomly even when I’m not feeling anxious and the breathing is really scaring me because I feel like I’m not breathing properly. These feelings have made me miss out on so many opportunities which then makes me even more anxious and depressed because I’m only 19 years old and I feel like I’m dying... is this really just anxiety? Why do I feel like I can’t breathe properly even when I don’t feel anxious?
Can anyone relate? : Hello everyone. I’m a... - Anxiety Support
Can anyone relate?

Hi destiny, all your symptoms sound like true anxiety. The fact that you have been
checked out for any physical issues more or less proves that this is a psychological issue.
Anxiety usually doesn't just appear out of no where. It more likely comes from something
traumatic in your past. If that issue is not addressed at the time, it continues to grow
until finally one day physical symptoms start appearing manifesting itself as life threatening.
Since you've had anxiety most of your life, were you ever seen by a psychiatrist? Put on
medication or had any therapy sessions? If something happened to you that left a scar
on your emotional welfare, it can't be just sweep under the carpet per se. These memories
of anxious events need to be talked out. If not, then these episodes of symptoms and
heightened anxiety tend to repeat itself whether you feel anxious or not. The reason for
that is because the subconscious mind hangs onto all the negatives in our lives. It plays
it back while we sleep as well as comes alive during the day if anything triggers it.
I know how difficult it is to believe that anxiety can cause these physical symptoms.
It's because our awareness is in a heightened state, our nervous system is over sensitized.
Our body is living in a state of "what if" as well as doubts that something is wrong. We get
to the point where we don't even believe the doctors. They didn't miss anything. Our brain
lies to us and tries to control us. With professional help and the support from the men
and women on this forum, you will be able to break out of your fear cycle and live the life
that a 19y.o. should. xx
I really don’t understand why it’s like this. I’ve had a lot happen to me, but I’m not bottling anything in. I’ve talked to many people about issues that I’ve had. I have terrible anxiety about my health as well, so even one symptom turns into many because then I start panicking over it. You’re right, it does make us to where we don’t even want to believe the doctors. I’m scared that maybe something is wrong with me deep down or that I’m just going to die. I think that’s the biggest thing triggering my anxiety and making it worse right now is the fact that when I feel like I’m not breathing properly, I automatically think that I’m just about to die or have to be put in an ambulance. I don’t understand what’s going on, but it’s been so hard to do anything... I don’t have medical insurance at the moment which also messes with my anxiety because I won’t wonder the doctors lied to me and just didn’t want to mess with me since I have no health insurance and can’t afford to pay out of pocket.
Let me assure destiny that doctors took an oath for a reason. They would never
dismiss you if you had a life threatening condition. Anxiety isn't always that simple
to understand. It took me years to figure it out. Researching the Mind/Body Connection, how anxiety works, how our minds work. Even if you feel you are not
bottling anything in, What we here, what we saw as well as how we were raised all
comes into play as to how our emotional health was affected.
Personally, I had an amazing childhood. Loving, protective parents, aunts and uncles
and good family times. But what came through loud and clear was all the emphasis put
on health to the point of my developing Health Anxiety which later than went into
GAD. So it doesn't have to be bad, it could be about the focus one particular thing that
makes it more prevalent to develop anxiety disorder.
Ironically, no one in my family ever had mental health issues, just me. Was I more sensitive than my sister? Was I pampered and babied more? Did my mother expect
more from me than my sister? Did my mother put my decisions down? Was my mother
disappointed in that I didn't follow her career? "Yes" to all of the above questions.
With therapy destiny, you can be directed on the right path. Depending where you live
there may be places you can get treatment on a sliding scale. Maybe the members here
on the forum can also advise you as to some other resources. One step at a time, one
day at a time. Give yourself a few days to get acquainted with the great people on this
site. You won't feel so alone or confused. xx
I’ve never been on medication. I am currently looking into a free mental health clinic in my area that can help me get a therapist and some medications.
That's great...good luck in finding something.
I really think you need some direction right now
and no better place to get it from than a professional
counselor. Goodnight dear. xx
Hey I want you to know this is normal, and I'm so very sorry you're having it I know how awful it is. The not knowing doesn't help either it just hits you. The symptoms add up because each one you have upsets you more and more. I'm curious what do you to try and help them? Has anyone suggested a way to cope or calm you down? There's a lot you can do to help make it barrable until you're able to see a doctor.
I hate it because it doesn’t feel normal.. I’m currently feeling very anxious at the moment because I just had a dizzy spell for no reason at all. I was sitting outside for maybe five minutes and everything started spinning, but the doctors that ran tests told me this is just anxiety.. it’s so hard to believe that. All I do right now is try to keep my mind busy or I relax. I’ll try to do things around the house or play a video game that I’m going to get really into that will relax me ... just things like that. Lately I’ve been going outside and just looking at all the trees or the sky, but I can’t do that recently because I start to feel so dizzy. I’m looking into a free mental health clinic to get some counseling and some medications.
Sure can relate- I started having panic attacks around your age as well. I became agoraphobic because I was afraid to have them in a public place. Paxil really helped me!
I am the same exact way. I’m so scared of having them in public, but of course we all hate having them anywhere! LOL. I get different symptoms sometimes which is what I think is triggering even more anxiety lately. I have been going outside and appreciating nature and how beautiful it is, while telling myself that I’m perfectly fine and strong and that I’ve been through worse and I can overcome this. After my wonderful pep talk to myself I thought maybe that would set a mood for me for the day, to be strong... but shortly after I told myself those things I started feeling very dizzy and then I told myself it was just anxiety, so I stood up and pushed myself to continue to look at the sky until I couldn’t handle it anymore. I thought that it would make it go away, but I’m still feeling very bad and I’m currently laying here trying to calm down and tell myself that it IS JUST ANXIETY. In the back of my head I have myself convinced that there’s something else wrong with me that doctors aren’t finding or that they just think it’s only anxiety and pushing everything else to the side..
My soon to be mother in law takes paxil and she wanted to give me some until I got on my own medication, but I don’t feel comfortable doing that because I don’t know how I’ll react with it. I want a prescription that a doctor thinks is good for me.
I also think it’s best to wait to get a script from your doctor. It was hard for me initially because I didn’t want to take a pill but honestly it was life changing. You are doing the right things until then- go outside and keep reassuring yourself. I have learned anxiety is way more powerful than I once gave us credit for.
It sounds like extreme anxiety. Have you tried talking to someone? You may want to learn how to cope with it so you start feeling better asap. I have GAD as well and suffered my whole life. I got a lot better as I got older and you will too💜
I’m very open with it and will talk to anyone about it who will sit down and talk with me about it. I talk with my fiancé about it a lot. I’m looking into counseling because I think it will be beneficial for me. My biggest problem with anxiety is the physical symptoms I get and being a hypochondriac I sit on google a good amount of time and look up my symptoms which I know is a big no-no. The biggest problem is the physical symptoms and me telling myself that it’s not just anxiety and that I’m dying.. it has ruined my life since July this year. Usually I’m so strong and I can talk myself down, but I haven’t been able to do that and I’m always wanted to go to the ER to get reassurance, which doesn’t even give me reassurance because then when I leave I still feel like something is going on.
💔💔💔 Im so sorry.
Advice 1: stop googling your symptoms. (I know its soooo tempting, and anxiety makes as feel as though we have no control)
2: deft look into counseling, it has helped me get my life back together in the last few months! Also when is the wedding???? Im a bride to be as well spring 2020😊🥰❤