Heart palpitations!!: Two months and still... - Anxiety Support

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Heart palpitations!!

soapstr4 profile image
12 Replies

Two months and still all day everyday my heart is skipping a beat or fluttering and jumping into my throat. Had an EKG and was normal. Bloodwork was good. Echocardiogram was normal. Wore a holter monitor which showed pvcs. Is anyone dealing with this on a regular basis? How do you ignore it? I change positions and my heart skips a beat. My anxiety is making it worse. Ugh!!!

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soapstr4 profile image
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12 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

I also have pvcs, however, I am lucky in that I don't feel them. You difficulty may be due to anxiety, however, you should tell your cardiologist about what you feel. If your feelings are in fact due to the pvcs, ask your doctor about beta blockers and other steps.

soapstr4 profile image
soapstr4 in reply to b1b1b1

Was at the cardiologist again yesterday which is when he went over my holter monitor results. I am already on 50mg of metoprolol (beta blocker) and he said I need to increase it to 75mg. He said it was benign pvcs and said he will see me in 4 months. He isn’t the one feeling the physical symptoms so I feel like he doesn’t understand. The heart skipping is such an awful feeling

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to soapstr4

I believe, although I am not sure, that I have read that Metropolol can cause some depression. Look up the side effects of metropolol on Google. I had taken Attenolol, but it made my heart beat too slowly, so that was stopped. My cardiologist also told me that pvcs are not harmful unless the number gets very high. Does he think the heart skipping feeling is from the pvcs or from anxiety. The heart skipping must be a very bad feeling for you and it is unfortunate that he doesn't understand. xx

soapstr4 profile image
soapstr4 in reply to b1b1b1

He thinks it’s all related to anxiety and I am going through menopause 🤷🏻‍♀️

Rizo1 profile image

Hi I have palpitations sometimes too. It's worse after caffeine. So I've cut out coffee. But its very scary at times So understsnd how You feel. Take care.

I had anxiety ..... and plenty of PVC's and other jumpy beats after one of my ablations. I couldn't stand it. I took a triple magnesium formula. Within a week ... all my ectopic beats were gone. It might not work for everyone .... but worth a try.

FrankinHealth19 profile image

Hi Soapstr4, I hope you are doing better now. Your post sounds similar to what I've experienced, so I just wanted to reach out to you.

I've had some bouts with heart palpitations to the point where I thought there surely something wrong with my heart. HOWEVER, each time I had a EKG, the doctor said everything looks great! That was pretty frustrating, because I didn't feel good at all. They suggested medication to address the heart palpitations, but I was very much against medication and only wanted to use it as last resort.

Longer story short: It took me some time (1year) to realize that my heart palpitations were caused by gas pressure in my stomach and guts pushing upwards along with compression in my ribcage pressing downwards.

I'm pretty sure I changed a muscular balance in my body that caused me to feel tightness and soreness in my back neck and shoulders, and also made me feel crazy heart palpitations.

I'm now about 2 years away from the worst of it, but now I don't feel any repetitive palpitations on a daily basis like back then. It took a lot of patience and exercise to get to this point, but I feel that I have found the roots of my issue and I'm capable of addressing it on my own.

Anyway, I hope this helps you in some way. Please feel free to PM me if you want talk more.

AnxiousMAMA profile image
AnxiousMAMA in reply to FrankinHealth19

Yes yes yes! I feel like when I burp or have gas and when I bend over I get palpitations due to everything squishing up! Definitely glad I ran into this! Can you please tell me how you helped this? I eat alot of greens and that seems to cause my gas to be much worse! Thankyou

FrankinHealth19 profile image
FrankinHealth19 in reply to AnxiousMAMA

Yes, bending or hunching over was a definitely offense, and my body immediately let me know. I'm glad you found this! I will try my best to tell you what helps.

So back in 2019 was the first time I limited my intake of greens like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. Beforehand, I had no problem with these things, but I also had no problems with trapped gas lol. Once they reached my gut, my belly seemed to balloon outwards, sometimes I'd inadvertently hold my belly in making the situation worse. Other times these foods seemed to cause a painful, almost unbearable discomfort from the gas they created. I also noticed the same issues with dairy.

At the time my Doctors didn't want me to work out, because they didn't know what was causing my heart palpitations and other symptoms. So, I started with my diet first. I stopped eating broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, eventually all diary and I limited my red meat intake to like 1 or 2 times a month. This helped me manage the pain I experienced, but the palpitations were still there.

Eventually, I was allowed to workout again. The number 1 thing that helped me manage my heart palpitations was and still is light-to-moderate exercise. I started with just jogging/biking for 10 or 15 minutes until my muscles were warmed up. Then stretch. I am typically very active, but at that time I had been fairly inactive for like 6 or more months. So I started very slow, I did basic stretches for a few weeks until I worked my way up to yoga videos like this:youtu.be/ gDQNqZMv1V0 youtu.be/gDQNqZMv1V0

I think this helped my body muscles lengthen and release ... 🤔 idk really. All I know is that it helped me feel good and release some gases.

The Number 2 thing was managing my hydration. I grew up in a moderate climate, but now live in a very hot climate so sometimes I forget to drink water..which causes dehydration which doesn't help with trapped gas or heart palpitations.

Currently, I no longer have those crazy heart palpitations that made me think a massive heart attack was imminent. I have reintroduced broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and dairy back into my diet. I just make sure I don't have too much. I still do yoga and light exercises, I am still working to lengthen my abdominal muscles but they are not my main physical activities. I am back to lifting heavy weights and high intensity exercises.

Do you have any muscular pain associated with you back, neck, or shoulders??

AnxiousMAMA profile image
AnxiousMAMA in reply to FrankinHealth19

Yes I have many pains in my neck and back. I seem to be a very gassy person. In 2019 I had my gallbladder removed. But more recently I find I am stuck at a computer chair almost all day for my job. Which I know contributes to my problem. I am trying so hard to get to being active again. Since the covid shutdown I have also gained weight, 2hich I also need to work on. I do have anxiety palpitations from extreme stress or bad days which come and go every now and then. But I could get them from just bending over daily from all the chores in my home and picking up. I don't consume dairy. I shall seek yoga bc I've always heard how much it does help people. Thankyou for responding so kindly!

Hallyhooyou profile image

Yes this is me. Eventually you will get used to it more than you are now. Once you realize a heart attack isn’t pending, you’ll stop focusing on the palps 100% of the time. If you’re open to a medical solution, you can take a small dose of a beta blocker. It will help both with the palps and with your anxiety. I take Atenolol and do very well. Others take a different one. It depends on your body.

Claire51 profile image

I used to have Palps too, some 20 years into having Anxiety Disorder i am pleased they have not bothered me since yr 2 into this journey, I was put on Beta Blockers, this backfired once i got what i thought was a bad cough, which tuned into chest infection , till one evening i just could not breathe, so called Doctor out, he immediately took me off Beta Blockers, got me on a good anti-biotic and steroid to help my breathing clear the chest infection ,he also gave me a inhaler, within hours i felt it easier to breathe also at a later date a Inhaler all the time as discovered i had asthma thru a peak flow test and you can not have beta blockers if you have Asthma. i was given a small dose of Diazepam. I honestly sat in despair one day thinking i was having Heart attack , i knew i needed to take some kind of control over this before i ended up calling paramedics out, I decided to sit myself down and chat online or play a game yes was the dawning of internet age old dial up, i allowed myself first 5 minutes if it got no worse, i felt i was ok i slowly added the time so i got to 20 mins, i figured if it was a heart attack i would be experiencing more symptoms, which thankfully i never did. so i learned to ignore my heart, not laying in my ear in bed so i never felt that throbbing sound in my head or the skipping i thought i could feel. This is only my experience but try to trust your Cardiologist and relax. to this day i have never been to hospital about my heart whilst in anxious state. Only time i have had EKG was when a older sibling of mine had to have a new valve and was decided all family needed to be checked out in case we had same problem. The Surgeon thought it could be a hereditary condition, but we where all ok.

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