Anyone here deals with the pvcs??? The skipped beat, hard thump, fast irregular heartbeat. I’ve been dealing with them for awhile. And my anxiety is through the roof
Heart palpitations : Anyone here deals with... - Anxiety Support
Heart palpitations

I do.. it’s annoying but it’s nothing to worry about.
I used to suffer from them daily at times.
Things that helped me:
1. Staying hydrated. First thing i do if i feel pvc's is to get a powerade or gatorade if i can, or at the very least get water. A banana can help too.
This, by far,has made the most difference.
2. Get a thorough medical workup. If it comes back normal (mine did, aside from the harmless pvc's), it will put your mind at ease.
3. Sought treatment for my anxiety through therapy and medication.
I rarely have them bow but when I do, I know not to panic about it. I know what to do know to alleviate them.
Lastly, if you are experiencing a bout of flutters there are 2 things that can help stop them:
1. A very hard, rigorous cough or 2.
2. Bearing down as hard as you can for 20 seconds.
Both of these can 'reset ' the heartbeat more or less.
Had workups done. bloodwork, multiple ekgs,holter monitor that showed isolated <1% pvc/pac and a psvt that lasted 6 seconds, 2 echos that have came back structurally normal heart.
Chest x-ray. All these test have been made in the ER and cardiologist office.
Sounds like you had an unremarkable exam.
The pvc/pac's are harmless but annoying none the less.
I really suggest trying to hydrate.
When I'm feeling anxious, I don't want to eat or drink anything.
Then i dry out and it makes the anxiety and pvc's worse.
Electrolyte balance is important for heart function.
It's vital for the electrical conduction of the heart (sodium is a major factor and you lose this fast when you are dehydrated).
So, there is a correlation there, if you are low on things that help the electrical signals in your heart, you'll get those skipped beats.
That was a long winded way to say, drink some Powerade or Gatorade.
Those are better than water because they contain those electrolytes.
Also what anxiety medication are you on? if you don’t mind me asking. I’ve heard that can help out drastically
I used to take Zoloft and trazadone which worked great for 15 years.
In january i switched to lamictal.
I also take gabapentin for anxiety and it works great and a better alternative to benzos if it works for you.
Occasionally, i might take a clonidine (a blood pressure med) if I'm having anxiety but it is few and far between.
My cardiologist put me on 300mg of Magnesium daily and it has worked well. It has also lowered my BP significantly.
Yes but iv has every test going and I'm fine supposedly... I hate them there real scary
Avoid caffeine it definitely made me worse
I’ve had them on and off for many, many years. The more you worry about them, the more you will have...Know that they will NOT hurt you and are “EXTREMELY COMMON”...
I’m a retired Emergency Dept RN and knowledgeable about cardiac arrhythmias, (irregular heartbeats)..!!
If your cardiologist says you’re okay, believe it:):):)😍
I was getting them frequently it got to a point where I’d panic because I was scared I was going to have one and then actually have one somebody even spoke about one and I got one! My anxiety has now moved to something else so I rarely get them now I think within time they will fade away
I have had those once or twice. Absolutely so annoying. Got checked all was fine. I did some research and found that potassium and magnesium play a vital role in regulating heartbeat among other things.
I’ve been taking magnesium 200-400 and have not had any skips or thuds. Look up magnesium and you will be surprised. It also helps with anxiety. Let me know how you feel if you do. A banana once daily is good for potassium and try to get a little more if you can. Good luck. This site has helped me so much. Thank you all. ❤️
I deal with them too, it happens and it’s unsettling but you’re fine. Our bodies are resilient and you would know if something serious is going on. When we’re at our calmest is when you will feel all the little bumps jumps and twinges that happen throughout your body all day. Don’t forget we have a massively complex system when many different parts working together. Use the advice of others, with a clean bill of health turn to the other things you can do: hydrate, stay calm and believe you are fine. You aren’t alone my friend.
Yes I been having them for a week I dunno if ita coffee or mount of rubbish I've ate just been more noticeable I have anxiety to
Hi, I have had them daily for over 40 years. I describe them as seeing a fish out of water the way the heart "flops" around. They can be frightening if they last a long time but for the most part (unless you have heart disease as well) they are not dangerous. Sometimes a dr. may give you a beta blocker to see if it stops them. Obviously I have never found any help. I did go through stress tests, and an echo gram. I really understand how you feel.
What's pvst.....
I get the missed heart beat sensations from time to time, in reference to the magnesium; what type, citrate, chloride or sulfate etc?
Yes I have but I also have high blood pressure and the meds have made it even worse.Anxiety is a terrible thing isn't it!
Hang in there, I have them daily as well, I can say for sure that the more you think about them, the more you have, ... ANXIETY sucks!!