Does anyone have palpations all the time, I went to Dr last week wore a 24hr heart monitor. Test came back normal. But the palpations still cont.😞I take Q10pills for the heart. Now I feel like a beating in my throat!
Heart palpitations : Does anyone have... - Anxiety Support
Heart palpitations

Hi ya
I have had these symptoms too, mainly when im having an anxiety attack or feel very anxious. Have you been diagnosed with anxiety or anything. Maybe try talking to your doctor about propranolol as this is what iv veen prescribed to stop my symptons, heart palpitations included, i cant tell you if they work or not unfortunately as i havent started them yet, but will be and hoping they help keep me and my heart calm
Hope this is of some use.
Yes, I get them and have just had 24 hour heart monitor that came back clear. The palpitation 'triggers' for me are alcohol and getting really tired. I was told that alcohol stimulates the Vagus nerve sending my heart rhythm haywire. I am menopausal and the Doc thinks it's hormonal as well. What's Q10 pills please?
When do you get palpitations and have you found any links?

I get them mostly when I'm just sitting or going to bed. I also am menopause 52yrs old thyroid levels were normal too. I take coenzyme Q-10 100mg for the heart and Magnesium 250mg for Anxiety at this point I'll try anything 🤔Oh my dr said to stay away from caffeine. Hope we all get to feeling normal again.
My Doctor did seem to think they are related to menopause and if you look at symptoms of menopause palpitations are listed as one of them. I get them when going to bed as well - strange but maybe it's too do with hormones. Yes, let's hope we get to feel normal again soon. I'm in my 4th year of menopause and fed up with it now.
I am 34 and recently had them for 4 days straight, I drink a lot of tea and i think its the caffeine
I get them when driving my car. Its like I'm headed somewhere dreadful! I do have xanax. I usually take one at bedtime. If I take a half of one during the day, it helps a lot.
Rubyxx 😊
Hi Ruby what is Xanax please?
I randomly get them also. Mostly when I am laying down though. It's very scary! Then that brings on the panic and leads to my heart racing so fast it feels like my heart is going to explode or I'm going to faint. My doctor also prescribes me Xanax (it is a narcotic) , so if I get to the point that I can't handle the panic attack I take half of the prescribed dosage and it goes away within seconds.
I am 25 by the way.
Magnesium is good for the heart too. So two advantages for one treatment! I don't take magnesium as a supplement but eat lots of nuts and seeds. Everyone gets extra heart beats called ectopics. They are not harmful and only us with anxiety or who have had a heart condition even notice them!! I know guys, how can people NOT notice.
Does you heart go fast or just "jiggle " about??
Sometimes concentrating on your breathing breathe in for 3 out for five or in for 7 out for 11 is enough to calm your thoughts. Thoughts are only thoughts and if we can allow them just to be there rather than trying to quiet them, it's easier. Observe your thoughts as if they are far away and let them be.
Thanks. Good advice.
Hi poppy, have had this for years, not very nice when it happens, but it will pass, ask your GP for a mild Beta Blocker Propranolol is a very good one ,i take 10mg when it happens, and it helps, give it a try, Merry Xmas xxx
Think i replied to poppy10 ,under active thyroid could be one of the causes, keep off caffine related drinks ,and the wine best wishes,.
Hi many thanks for your kind reply. My thyroid is ok I've had that checked. As for caffine I don't have much at all. My Doc will give me Beta Blockers but I have an absolute phobia about taking medication/drugs so I don't go down that road. I think it's just hormones (menopausal) and Vagal nerve stimulation. I love wine but cannot have it as it sets them off. Best regards.