Has anyone had a panic attack that started with almost like a feeling like you forgot how to breath? This is the first time I have ever felt this. Forgot how to breath, hot face, intense fear. I also didn't have a high heart rate, which is weird. I'm scared
Panic Attack: Has anyone had a panic attack... - Anxiety Support
Panic Attack
Panic attacks are really scary but they won't hurt you even if feels like they will. You don't have to remember or forget how to breathe as it is an automatic body function which carries on regardless.
What happens when we overbreathe is that too much carbon dioxide enters your bloodstream and makes you feel dizzy and increases the panic. There are lots of breathing exercises online for anxiety and some very good videos on YouTube.
Panic attacks produce all types of symptoms. They are really scary and can seem like you can't breathe or function. I have been there. Have seen a doctor about your panic attacks? How often do you get them? Have you figured out what you are doing when it happens? I remember my first one happened while I was grocery shopping and had my two daughters under the age of three with me. I was petrified and couldn't even move.
Deep breathing techniques work for me and help me take my focus off of the anxiety. 557 - five deep breaths, hold those five breaths, and slowly letting the breaths out to the count of seven at the same time blowing out the anxiety from your body. This is a breathing/visual imagery technique. The more you involve senses with changing your focus the less anxious you will feel.
Here is an article (bit.ly/3m1k44J you might find helpful about panic attacks. I will be praying for you. Hugs and God Bless
How are you doing? I have been praying for you. Hugs