Been having vision problems since taking citalopram/ and beta blockers ( was only on them for a week ) last October came off them because the blurred vision etc aint on nothing now but still feel like my vision ain’t right. Since October I’ve had over 10 eye appointment and 1 with ophthalmologist, had 4 OCT scans and everything was fine. Even had mri scan that came back fine.had 2 lots of blood test with 3 months apart that came back fine too. Different doctors are saying it’s anxiety because I’m so focused on my vision it’s making it go all weird but it’s like it 247 it’s constantly on my mind I’m so scared ! How can this be anxiety it’s stopping me from living my life I’m scared to deaf. I wish I never took them tables now . Please tell me I’m not alone. And is this really in my head me thinking about this is giving me these symptoms. I also get lightheaded/dizzy , achy , heart beats fast , feel weak, etc. Would you say this is really bad health anxiety?
So worried/anxiety : Been having vision... - Anxiety Support
So worried/anxiety

I don’t know all of your background but it sounds like anxiety to me . Why did your doctor put you on beta blockers? That is not the way to treat anxiety disorders . Do you have heart palpitations too? The beta blockers lower your blood pressure too. Maybe the vision issue is the result of too low blood pressure I have lots and lots of heart palpitations and it sucks . Beta blockers don’t help me . My cardiologist wants to do an ablation ! See, thus what happens when you go to a regular medical doctor with extreme symptoms of anxiety : the doctor treats you based on his specialty , not based on your root cause of your symptoms
Go to a psychologist and talk about why you have anxiety to begin with . Once you find that out , all of your symptoms could disappear
Thank you for your reply. My doctor put me on beta blockers to loosen my muscles because I was to tense all the time couldn’t eat because my throat felt tight “/ was only giving them for a week but lasted 1 day. I’m having CBT over the phone. All the symptoms I have is hard to get it in my headThat it’s just anxiety 😟🧐 247 but doctors , eye doctors , Consultants, all said it is anxiety.
Hi. Yes pills. Can cause blurred vision If you always suffer from anxiety. It’s in your brain and overthinking. You are lucky had all the tests I have glaucoma and Severe cataracts from steroids. If anything was wrong with your eyes I’m sure they would of found it. What did the ophthalmologist say what they thought it was. ?
If no other symptoms. I’d say your brain is playing games. Try to ignore. It I know for sure my eye s get even more blurred when anxious. My hearing isl too. Listen to music.
Do something that you like.
Honesty the brain plays tricks. Of course you can ask the dr what else it can be if Avery worried Might or they think get a scan. Just to put mind at restThe tablets can cause blurred vision. As not been on them long can’t see any ongoing damage. Relax. X
The ophthalmologist said there’s nothing wrong with my eyes ,had OCT scan she said it’s my anxiety! It’s hard to believe tho. I’ve had 5 OCT scans , 12 opticians since October last year and nothing has been found ( which I should be happy about ) had MRI scan 3 weeks Ago that came back normal. It’s just hard to believe all this is anxiety 😟
p1992, you would be amazed at what anxiety can cause symptom wise.
It sounds like you have had more than enough exams and tests done to rule
out anything sinister with your eyes.
Now it's time to believe what the good doctors are saying.
Maybe if you had an explanation in why anxiety can cause your eyes to get blurry
let me pass on what a therapist once told me.
Our bodies are made up of muscles throughout. Not just the muscles in the larger part
of our limbs but in the small intricate part of our eyes and ears as well. When we are tense all the time, the muscles behind the backs of the eyes get tight and pull causing
the eyes to see blurry. The eyes are physically fine but this distortion from anxiety causes the symptom and not an eye issue itself.
Start looking for other methods in quieting the mind and body. Meditation of any kind
as well as relaxation techniques can allow the muscles to relax quicker and more efficient
than a pill. Knowing what's behind the symptoms can hopefully reduce your worry which will then allow you to see clearer once you relax. xx
Thank you for your time. I just can’t except it tho I know I’ve had loads of test and none of them can fine nothing. My brain is messing me up. I get loads of symptoms flashing , floaters shapes on walls ,fuzzy vision but that probably down to my astigmatism. Vision just doesn’t feel real the list couldGo on. Had blood tests 2 since Octoberast year, mri the lot. I need help but I’m so scared to go back on antidepressants x
Hi p1992, the MRI would have shown something if it were a brain issue.
It's not your brain messing you up, it's your thoughts. I've been there including
the visual floater shapes on the wall. Vision not feeling real is something called
derealization coming once again from intense anxiety.
There is a time and place for medication and I think this may be one of those times.
The right antidepressants as well as the right dose can help reduce your anxiety.
As long as you stay in a state of anxiousness and not accept this as anxiety, the
symptoms will continue. I've been my own worst enemy so I know what you are talking about. Kick those fears and negative thoughts to the curb, accept the doctor's diagnosis and break that cycle of fear begets more fear.
Anxiety is a monster that doesn't belong in your life. xx
Hi again p1992, I just read your post...I had to let you know that I experienced
the other symptoms you talked about as well. I didn't believe either. I had a team
of specialists from teaching hospitals surround me with their medical advice.
I literally had tranquilizers thrown at me and told, "get use to them you will be on
them forever"..
I didn't want that, I didn't accept that. It was then I gathered up my strength and researched
everything I could get my hands on. Learning is knowing. YouTube became my "go to". I watch and listened to everything and anything that I could to help myself.
It took me years, but I made it through and now wish to help others like yourself move forward and not allow anxiety to stop you in your tracks. I care xx