I’m so scared something is going to happen and we will die or something with all these theories and people say they can feel it and we go into a new dimension I’m so scared rn for midnight
Scared for tomorrow December 21 2020 - Anxiety Support
Scared for tomorrow December 21 2020

Try not to worry about that. Radical people have been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years and we're still here! ♥️ Enjoy the season. Maybe make up some little homemade gifts (Pinterest has tons of low cost and easy ideas) and leave them around on friends or neighbors doorsteps. I've been trying to do a lot of that this year and it's been a blessing to keep my hands and mind busy. When we anxiety ridden folks have too much time to think, all heck breaks loose!
I have not heard about any Dec 21 stuff. If there was something it would be all over in news. These sporadic radical thoughts are all fake and have no science behind. So relax. I used to get same feelings when there were such rumors earlier but then I realized nothing we can do about it so why worry then. Let it be as it will be what’s it supposed to be.
Praying for you to have peace of mind that God's in Control. He's just a conversation away. When you need peace or comfort just talk to him. Scream at him if you have to he understands. But he will give you Peace in your head and heart when you know he's present.❤