I’ve been trying for ages to come up with a good song that sounds great, and I’ve had a few that I would consider “good”, but I’ve been feeling very unmotivated, and even a little depressed. I think this is because I know of artists on the same level as me (unknown) who are getting to do gigs at festivals, and there songs are playing on the radio etc... and I’ve put myself forward for the exact same things and I’ve been rejected from most of them.
Now, I’m not gonna let something as small as this stop me from what I wanna do! But sometimes you can just feel like you’re not getting anywhere and you’re just like “what’s the point?” And it sucks.
Also aside from this, I am struggling to write a song that I love, and I hear a lot of creative say they struggle with mental blocks etc... but I am feeling like this 95% of the time. And it sucks because all my life I’ve loved creating music and playing guitar and performing etc... but I do feel really uninspired most of the time and it really sucks! I don’t know what to do!
Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you guys💚🖤x