I just discovered this thread and was so relieved to know I'm not alone. I thought I was completely crazy, wondering what the heck was wrong with me. I started having some symptoms of reflux a few months ago and my primary care doc put me on OTC PPI's. I was on Prilosec for 5 weeks. It relieved my burning abdominal pain, and reflux symptoms, but it made my breathing and anxiety worse. (I have moderate-severe asthma). I got off that and after about a week tried Prevacid. I managed four days on that and had to get off. I felt like I was breathing through a scratchy straw! Meanwhile, the constant irritating "fumes" caused my sinuses to flare up and I went on an antibiotic for those, plus I continued to have breathing issues. I just finished up a two week course today. Within those two weeks, I had a video Gastroenterology teledoc appointment. She found my symptoms a bit confusing and took a stab that it might be SIBO. With COVID, I'm hesitant to expose myself more than necessary and am debating about scheduling what would be a 3-4 hour appointment to get tested for SIBO. I have very few matching symptoms.
This is all severely ratcheting up my lifelong anxiety issues. Within the last week, I started that menthol, minty feeling along with tingling in my hands, feet and face, sleeplessness and intermittent trouble initiating swallowing (not getting food stuck). I've had the tingling before but minty and swallowing are new ones! Since several of you reported Minty and GERD together, I felt a bit relieved. I don't want to go through a ton of tests right now as I barely leave the house except for essentials. I will make an effort to calm, relax and distract myself, but all of my lifelong coping mechanisms vanished when COVID forced isolation.