Anyone withdrawn from Mirtazapine? - Anxiety Support

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Anyone withdrawn from Mirtazapine?

formidible profile image
25 Replies

I cut my 30mg Mirtazapine tablet slightly last night. Today I feel a little less anxious. I want to cut further. Has anyone reduced then stopped Mirtazapine? What side effects did you get?

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formidible profile image
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25 Replies

I would cut down slowly , just take it easy when cutting down I've only remember cutting down on venlafaxine and it was pretty hellish.

formidible profile image
formidible in reply to

I've just chipped a small piece off the 30mg tablets for past few nights. I feel wobbly and weird this morning. Not sure I've done the right thing. This depression and anxiety is so horrible. I just don't know what to do. My GP is calling me this afternoon.

in reply to formidible

Just be safe , cutting down on these kind of meds is not to be taken lightly they can cause all sort of wierd effects that then play into you're anxiety.hiw you feeling now?

formidible profile image
formidible in reply to

I've gone back to 30mg Loki. Feel more stable again. My doctor is going to put me on a different antidepressant from Monday called Vortioxetine but I'll still stay on the Mirtazapine too for several more weeks until the new ones kick in. I'm not holding out much hope although the new tablets worked for a friend of mine so it's worth a try. If they don't work for me then I'll just stay on the Mirtazapine for now.

kenster1 profile image

doing it myself just now from 45mg cut them in half about mar/apr and now quartering them over a longer period.

Moonby profile image

Recently tapered off Mirtazapine, going from 45mg to zero over a two-week period. I actually felt better during the 4 to 5 days whilst on just half a tablet than taking a full tablet. But since stopping completely I've struggled with sleeping. I'd say that getting the correct dose of the tablet is really crucial to how it works overall.

Anxiousman67 profile image
Anxiousman67 in reply to Moonby

I'm just about to stop 15mg after 2 months, how long the insomnia last ?

Moonby profile image
Moonby in reply to Anxiousman67

Still struggling two weeks down the line. I actually joined this website earlier today to look for some ideas about non-prescribed sleep aids! Having now seen various comments that a low dosage helps with sleeping, I’m in two minds about whether to call my GP and start taking 15mg.

Anxiousman67 profile image

Thats what I'm afraid of, u should have lied to me n said u have been sleeping like a log lol, think i will remain on then I cant do no sleep it makes my anxiety unbelievable. Hope u get a sleep soon.

Moonby profile image
Moonby in reply to Anxiousman67

Cheers Anxiousman

Anxiousman67 profile image

Meant to ask how long where u taking mirtazapine for?

Moonby profile image
Moonby in reply to Anxiousman67

Just over six months. Been on various meds for 10+ years (citalopram, sertraline, and currently Venlafaxine). Mirtazapine gave me the most side affects.

Anxiousman67 profile image
Anxiousman67 in reply to Moonby

other than insomnia have u been OK withdrawal symptoms wise ?

Anxiousman67 profile image

Yeah not good ive had anxiety for 20 years or so but never took any medication, hate taking meds but 3 months ago got really bad leading to agoraphobia. Was in a really bad state manic like so they put me on mirtazapine think it maybe has helped ever so slightly but just wanna be med free n just try n build up confidence to go outside.. anxiety sucks

Moonby profile image
Moonby in reply to Anxiousman67

Other than insomnia it hasn’t been too bad coming off the Mirtazapine. Switching between various meds in the past led to periods of restless leg syndrome, headaches and spikes of anxiety as you stop taking one type of medication before starting on something else. With mirtazapine I just found the side effects of taking 45mg outweighed its benefits. I would say that it’s worth sticking with something for a good six months even if you sense the benefits are only marginal - you might be surprised how affective the tablets have been working only once you stop taking them.

Anxiousman67 profile image
Anxiousman67 in reply to Moonby

Hi m8 since I'm trying to come off mirtazapine my cpn has said I need to start another antidepressant, I'm really reluctant n nervous taking meds so I was wondering if u know any one that if its not agreeable would be relatively easy to come off. I get that my negative thinking probably holds me back thinking of how easy it is to get off before I've even started but thats just me. Any advice would be great as docs n nurses have never actually took them yet think they know it all like my cpn saying mirtazapine withdrawal is easy with insomnia not being an issue

Moonby profile image
Moonby in reply to Anxiousman67

Really difficult to say as everyone is different. Also with me I've always moved from one type of medication to another without going full 'cold turkey'. I think your GP is likely to suggest something like citalopram or sertraline. All have side affects to some degree, which you can take a look on this website. For me it was an occasional upset stomach and restless legs, the latter when I either forgot to take my meds, or when I was starting to come off them.

Anxiousman67 profile image
Anxiousman67 in reply to Moonby

Thanks for reply m8 im just looking for one that wouldn't cause insomnia as withdrawal symptom as not sleeping is what really fuels my anxiety to unbearable levels

Anxiousman67 profile image

Yeah thats what I'm afraid of because I really was an anxious mess when I started and have calmed slightly, but not sure if its the meds or just time calming down somewhat. Guess I will find out soon enough decided to defo stop tonight. Im already a mess thinking about it n googling all the horror withdrawal stories was looking for some positive experiences coming off mirtazapine but can't find any lol. When I spoke with my cpn she said there is no ill side effects

Moonby profile image
Moonby in reply to Anxiousman67

Let me know how you get on. Fingers crossed for you pal.

Anxiousman67 profile image

Thanks m8 appreciate that, will keep u posted

formidible profile image

I've started on an alternative called Vortioxetene 5mg. After two weeks I will be halving the Mirtazapine to 15mg whilst increasing the Vortioxetine, so might feel a bit wobbly then. I've also changed my surgery in order to get a different and hopefully better GP as my current one is not supportive enough at all for me and has said and done a few things in the past that has been well out of place. The fact is I have servere anxiety as well as servere depression and am also dependant on Benzodiazepine's. I need a GP who I can trust to be fully honest with and who can stabilise and support me through a very challenging period in my life.

Anxiousman67 profile image

Hope your change of meds helps, my doctor is old school and his advice for my anxiety is just pull your socks up, so understand your issue there. I just really wanna get if nirtazapine as soon as possible so stopped last nite. Most people say taper but I feel you would get symptoms with every reduction so be aswell just doing it in one go wish me luck

formidible profile image

Just an update. After two nights of cutting my Mirtazapine from 30mg to 15mg I went into a desperately low morning that had me taking Lorazepam just to calm me down. Needless to say I'm back on the full 30mg. Anyone thinking of cutting Mirtazapine if they are on it, beware! Unless you are genuinely feeling much less depressed and anxious i.e more stable with support, don't even try it. I've read other posts here about withdrawing from Mirtazapine and how difficult it is. Why put yourself through all that unnecessary agony. I'm happy to just stay on it. I know it's not good for your weight but that's better than feeling virtually suicidal without it.

barny1 profile image


Trying to withdraw from Mirtazapine has proven difficult, but I haven't really noticed decline in mood or anxiety, perhaps because I'm on Sertraline also and the Mirtazapine was an adjunct, not the sole treatment.

I was on 15mg for around 9 months then was put onto 30mg for a short while and then 45mg for about 6 months, because I wasn't feeling the benefit any longer. I will say I felt a bit anxious/edgy (past history of panic attacks) at times on the higher doses and had instances of heart palpitations, lightheadedness and chest pain during the day/evening, but at night I was knocked out.

I've found the nighttime sedation is no different on either dose, slightly less sedation in the morning on 15mg. After all the side effects, I started cutting a bit off the 45mg tablet, but like you found my body wasn't fooled. My GP prescribed 30mg for 2 weeks then down to 15mg. I felt a lot calmer on 15 mg and the palpitations weren't so bad as before.

My anxiety/panic has reduced since going down to 15 mg. But I'm still very much depressed, my psychiatrist suggested another augmentation treatment (another SNRI), but I feel that my body can't handle the extra Noradrenaline that it provokes, so I've been given the option of another SSRI (fluoxetine probably) or the new Vortioxetine.

In anticipation I've tried to cut down the Mirtazapine further, but if anything the side effects have been worse, I'm getting minor tremors/vibrating feeling, which scared me enough to go back on to 15mg, tremors seem to have calmed reassuringly. I don't know how or whether I should come off Mirtazapine, it's clearly something to be handled delicately.

I'm sorry you couldn't give Vortioxetine a long try, I sort of have my hopes set on this one, but I'm not sure I'll be able to come off two antidepressants (don't get me started on Sertraline withdrawal/discontinuation) successfully, but like the idea of it.

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