I went to the A&E yesterday due to my chest pains... they done a chest X-ray and had a ecg all was normal he said but gave me antibiotics incase might be chest infection .. so the pains in my chest ain’t to do with my heart or anything I guess wonder what it could be!
Hmm: I went to the A&E yesterday due to my... - Anxiety Support

He said it’s “probably” a chest infection but I thought you could see an infection on chest X-ray .. I haven’t even started them because I feel like I don’t need them x
No that’s what I’m saying is he said my chest X-ray was normal so why give me antibiotics and say it’s basically probably a chest infection if that was the case he would of seen it on the X-ray surely?.. I just felt like he was rushing around to be fair and didn’t really care lol
Odd that your doctor wrote a script for antibiotics without telling you why.
My only thought is costochondritus is treated with antibiotics. This is usually chest wall or feeling pain in the upper ribs.
I’m speculating, but you could always call your doctor back. They have to write a diagnosis on your sign out chart to charge your insurance company.
Call them and ask.

Costochrondritis is an Inflammation and treated with an anti inflammatory .NSAIDS....Ibuprofen, high dose aspirin, etc. I believe an antibiotic was given because he wanted to pacify her and move on to next patient. !!!
I’ve had bacterial and it is treated with antibiotics. It can be fungal or bacterial in nature. I stated I was being speculative.
Doctors don’t just prescribe antiobiotics to pacify, Have a nice day.

I’m an retired Emergency Dept Rn and costochrondritis is an Inflammation..sometimes a patient with a compromised immune system are a risk of developing a chest wall INFECTION.
Labs and a CXR will help diagnose simple costochronditis vs infection ..
And I worked in an ER, YES doctors are sometimes too busy to try and placate an anxious patient so they give them a med to get them on their way... Sad but true!!
Why would they give her an antibiotic when her CXR was negative... ? Sometime they do it just to cover their butts ...just in case!!!
I’m not not playing tid for tad. I am comfortable with what I wrote to her. I don’t know why in the world you are nick picking my posts. Please stop. Thank you.
Not being funny if I have chest pains and I’m worried about it I will be walking into the hosptial .. don’t matter if they don’t know me they don’t know anyone that walks into the hosptial?
No I haven’t had test within the last 2weeks I have spoke to a doctor over the phone that’s all
Hey girl... I think you meant to reply to some one else.. 💜🌺💜🌺💜
Ahhh we got it straight. Funny, my day started like this, Not a prob, I got your back. 🌺💜🌺💜
After reading some of the comments on here it's like some of you are fueling her fire of her anxiety. If I was her and reading what was written I would almost shut down. It would make me break down again and cause more heartache and pain. It's almost like you're yelling at her. It's seems she needs to resort herself out again. I know some are trying to mean well but think how it would sound to you.