Has anyone had an anxious sense of doom? I’m having surgery Monday and I cannot shake this sense that I’m going to die. I have never had surgery before. And I can’t picture myself waking up or coming home after and I’m very scared to even go.
Sense of doom- help: Has anyone had an... - Anxiety Support
Sense of doom- help
Surgery is basically like taking a nap except you wake up feeling fuzzy and hungover. It doesnt feel bad at all until the pain meds wear off.
Once the anesthesia is given you will be unconscious in 10 seconds. It's extremely rare in routine surgery that you will not wake up. What type of surgery are you doing?
Appendix and gallbladder
You will be fine! When they get ready to give you the anesthesia just begin reciting the 23rd psalms and by the time you finish the surgery will b Ed over! It we irks every y to one for me. Trust that Gods got this!
I will be keeping you in my thoughts tomorrow. Actually, turn your negative thoughts
around to a more positive approach. "I can picture myself waking up and coming home,
knowing that all this is behind me" You can do this. xx