Uncles funeral and sad news : Do you ever... - Anxiety Support

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Uncles funeral and sad news

Natsteveo profile image
20 Replies

Do you ever feel like “come on give me a break “

It’s my uncles funeral today and he can only have 10 people in the church because of COVID but my cousin has said that there’s a link you can go on to watch it live ? I can’t attend with living too far away but I will remember him in my own way today.

Sad news is my son in laws mum who’s 51 got rushed into hospital 3 days ago with headaches and numbness down one side of her has found out she has terminal lung cancer that has spread to her brain so she’s been sent home to be with loved ones so I assume she’s not got long then.. my heart is so sad for my son in law and my daughter and granddaughter I’m in shock I think but I know what he’s going through

Nat xx

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Natsteveo profile image
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20 Replies
Amandasullivan12 profile image

Aww nat thats so sad i hipe yous can all find a way to be strong for each other its things like this that realy set my anxiety of lifes so short and we cant realy enjoy it 😔 x

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Amandasullivan12

I was starting to pick up yesterday and I got that news so it’s knocked me right back down again and triggered me off babes

Nat xx

Amandasullivan12 profile image
Amandasullivan12 in reply to Natsteveo

Yh i bet it has just try to take it one day at a time im here if u wanna rant x

Natsteveo profile image

Thanks babes means a lot it’s all I can do is take each day by day

Same to you

Nat xx

kenster1 profile image

oh no Nat that really is a lot of sadness to deal with sad news never seems a single event.maybe later you can some quiet moments light a candle and say a prayer in memory of your dear uncle.your son in law will probably be very much a lost soul just now but having the support of your family will help.god bless and take care.

Natsteveo profile image

Just can’t seem to catch a break kenny at the minute bad news after bad news.. I will be there 100% for them it just breaks my heart watching him go through it I know what he’s going through and what he’s going to go through

Thanks kenny

Nat x

Hello Nat :-)

You are right you remember your Uncle in your own way :-)

So sorry about the other news , it does feel like you never get a break !

In some ways though I wish I had not read it I suffer with migraines and I get aura disturbance and this one I have been having has been going on 2 weeks on and off :-o

Now I say to myself stop it , don't go there but I won't !

Thinking about you :-) x

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to

Don’t do that babes he’s been having loads of other symptoms before hand and because she has a 9 year old with cerebral palsy she just put her own illnesses on hold rust me I’ve done the same but had to snap out of it it’s so hard ain’t it babes

Nat xx

in reply to Natsteveo

It is , I am sick of myself at the moment :-( x

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to

It’s not your fault it’s our HA it takes over doesn’t it

Take care lulu

Nat xx

in reply to Natsteveo

Yes I know it does but still it makes me wish I was someone else and did not suffer with this :-(

Hope you have managed to cope the best you can today :-) x

mydogs profile image

Dear Nat so sorry you are being bombarded with all this sad and bad news it is bad enough dealing with this upset at any time but when our anxiety and nerves are already struggling it makes it so much harder but just know that you are loved and everyone has you in their thoughts and prayers take care and stay safe xxxx

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to mydogs

Thanks so much my lovely means the world to me it really does

Nat xx

Agora1 profile image

Dearest Nat, my sincere condolences to you. I'm sorry as well to hear about

your daughter's mother-in-law. Make sure you give yourself some "me time"

to help get you through this sad news. x

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Agora1

Hi agora

Thank you uncles funeral was live it weren’t the same I’ve got to give myself a day to myself to take all this in and be strong for my daughter and son in law

Thanks so much honey

Nat xx

SpinalPain profile image

Hi Nat, I know how you feel. Sadly my handsome 51 year old husband passed away with cancer on 8th May, he was such a sociable gent and had lots of friends. I had to visit him by sitting outside of his hospice window in the rain sat on a wooden chair with a brolly up. My heart has been ripped in two. We wasn’t allowed a church service and sadly the rules were 10 spaced out by the graveside.

The funeral folk wouldn’t accept flowers so I had to place the flowers from our house onto his casket myself.

It felt so very wrong. I was allowed in to hold his hand on his last day.

I have sensed him with me since then in spirit. Life is so hard without him. So stay strong and remember there is life after this life.

Love to you Nat, Sandie x

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to SpinalPain

Hi sandie

I’m so sorry for your loss how devastating and traumatic that must of been for you and your loved ones. I watched his funeral live it wasn’t the same but it wasn’t very nice to go through..we couldn’t buy any flowers either we ended up donating to help the heroes because he was a foot soldier back in the day so we did that for him...thank you so much sandie it means a lot you messaged me even through your own pain and grief

Nat xx

SpinalPain profile image
SpinalPain in reply to Natsteveo

Hi Nat, Your beloved uncle would have been smiling when you donated to help the heroes. He will be so proud of you for putting the money to our heroes. Thinking of you and of your family as you face this second wave of hurt and praying for a healing angel to send you and your family comfort. The good ones always seem to go young as we both know. Maybe its because they have a higher calling to come back to us as angels to help us as we muddle through our lives - wondering why they were taken so soon only to have them walking beside us helping us with our losses. Sorry if that was too deep for you at this time. Its how my mind is now working. Sending you lots of love. Sandie x

AnxiousSince1998 profile image

Such a horrible time to be receiving all this bad news.... sending big hugs and support to help you and your family through this heartbreaking time.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to AnxiousSince1998

Thanks so much for your support means a lot to me

Nat xx

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