New to this community. I am glad to have found folks that understand what anxiety can do to you and how it makes you feel. I've suffered from certain levels of anxiety since I can remember. The anxiety attacks have gotten so bad I have been in the hospital ER twice and am now seeing a therapist. I look forward to hearing from others.
New here: New to this community. I am... - Anxiety Support
New here

Hey Annie and welcome! Really great community we have here. Lots of love to go around. Keep posting and sharing your story, we’re all friends here
Welcome to this site Annie. Great bunch of folks who can relate to what you are going through.
Well come Annie To this great and loving community ..and let me tell You I know all about this beast ..I have suffering with it for almost 4 years now .i tried every medication going and therapy nothing works..only to discover I suffer from overreact thyroid ...and that is the reason way nothing has worked ..I’m now taking medication for that and hopefully soon enough I will recover 🤞🙏🏽If you not yet checked you thyroid hormones levels !? please do just in case..wish You all the best bela
I have preliminary thyroid blood test done and have got to go next week for more and an ultrasound. I am also going into menopause so that doesnt help either. I am doing g much better since I have started on veneflexine, still have attacks once in a while but doing a lot better than I was. Thank you for the welcome!