I’m a teenager and I really want to go places with my friends but I’m scared of getting anxious and having a panic attack. I didn’t use to have panic attacks and anxiety, it came out of nowhere. I think it was from my depression that triggered it. I reallyyy wanna have fun but as soon as I get in the car I get anxious. I don’t have panic attacks at home only in public. I’m thinking that getting out more will train my mind to get use to the public but at the same time I know how uncontrollable and scary panic attacks are. I just wanna have fun. Plus school just ended and I don’t wanna be in the house 24/7. Once I’m having fun my mind kind of ignores the symptoms. But the first step is always the hardest and that’s leaving the house.
Scared : I’m a teenager and I really want to... - Anxiety Support

Try taking baby steps. Walk around the block a few times so that way if you begin to panic you’re close to home. Then maybe just sit in the car for a bit. Then go for a short drive. As soon as your mind thinks negatively instantly think about something positive. Focus on things around you like nature, feel the breeze look at animals and plants. I’m sorry you’re having social anxiety. Things get better. Also meds help. Talk to your doc and get a therapist.
I’m in sort of the same boat as you try therapy I’m 17 and last year I had a really bad anxiety attack and I didn’t go out for a good 4-5 months then I got given tablets for my anxiety and now I found out I’m pregnant I have to stop my medication straight away and I’m really struggling but not as bad as I was before I definitely recommend therapy give me a message if you like xx
Hi sorry your having panic attacks. Yes I think if you get out that will help. Learn to pause and breath count to 30. Since this is new hopefully can fix now and not have recurrences. Be safe when go out due to the virus wear a mask.
Also try to get medical advice if needed. I don’t personally recommend meds. Especially being a teen. Anxiety meds have the worst side effects and can often make symptoms worse or hard to get off of. With being a teen your brain is still growing this new anxiety may be caused by the changing hormone levels. Talk to a docter if need. Therapist are great if you need advice with your feelings and natural coping methods.
I tried anxiety meds and they put me in a catatonic state and Suicidal. I consulted my doc because on lowest dose was able to stop both meds completely. Still have lasting side affects till this day.
It’s really hard to get the right med and people find them self adding more and when trying to tapper off , often unable to. New side effects emerge.
Also talk to docter about natural remedies and if have side effects for teens.
Talk to a therapist if needed. I wish you well and think you’ll get through this fine. Keep your head up. Much love to you. 😘
Hello Oliviaaa1, I can understand that it can be scary stepping out of your comfort zone. But look back and see how you have managed to survive through all the challenges you have been through till now. You’ve got what it takes to overcome and conquer this. You are stronger than you think. The problem with "what if" thinking is that it shifts your focus. It pulls you into the future and away from enjoying the present. Be the loudest positive voice in your head. Who do you think you are? Who do you wish or want to be? Focus on that and work on that. We all get overwhelmed sometimes but we get up again and push forward. Keep trying even if it doesn’t go as expected. When feeling overwhelmed, pause and do deep breathing techniques. Practice stress management and relaxation techniques. One of the best ways to get over it is facing your fear. You can start with going out with a friend who will support you. I also will recommend talking to a therapist who can guide you through this. Best wishes to you. In case you need a recommendation, you can get in touch with me. Am also here if you online and want to chat. Have a blessed week.
Thank you !💞
I honestly had this same problem. Avoided going anywhere besides work, and work was easy because I was busy all day. I wouldn’t drink, or do any of the things I considered fun, because I was scared I was going to get scared. My anxiety also came out of no where. We were in the truck and I just had a panic attack, it lasted all day. For the longest I was having them twice a day everyday. Mine happened mostly at night time, and so did the majority of my symptoms. So I was constantly exhausted and just wanted to be in bed. My best advice is finding your happy. Our anxiety is mostly in our heads, so if you have a person (take them with you) or if you have a place, you can always leave. But constantly reward yourself for taking steps! Allow your bring to remind you - anxiety isn’t my life. Tell yourself - it’s going to go away, just give it time. But don’t allow it to miss out on stuff you want to do. You’re young!! You should be allowed to mentally feel it too. I’m only 19, so I understand
Thank you !💞