I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the natural disasters happening and how it was causing me anxiety. The anxiety started going away. Then the earthquake in mexico happened yesterday and now I feel california is next for the big one and in terrified. Some days I can be okay with thinking about it but some times.. especially at night, i have anxiety and panic attacks thinking about it happening. Just thinking about the feeling and the shaking scares me!! Ive been through earthquakes but nothing huge. I literally want to move but my parents think im crazy. But idk. I feel trapped which feeds my anxiety. I feel like once i lessen one fear and anxiety.. another comes. This is soo annoying. I just wanna live in the state of mind that whatever happens.. happens. I wanna be my old self and go with the flow.
Im scared: I wrote a couple of weeks ago... - Anxiety Support
Im scared

I’m in the same boat. These natural disasters are causing my anxiety to go through the roof which doesn’t help this Depersonalization/derealization hell. The hurricane in Puerto Rico today has me almost vomiting. All I could think about is my family in Pr and wondering if they all are safe. The entire island has no power. Anxiety is a bitch
GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!! Anxiety really is. It's normal for us to feel scared but I really hate the physical symptoms anxiety gives us. We just gotta reassure ourselves and accept our anxiety. It's easier said than done though
I am in New York City and it's 3:30 in the morning and after watching the news last night and coming from a memorial for a neighbor, I only slept 2-1/2 hours. My ex husband lives in Puerto Rico and he's my daughter's father. I'm very worried about him and his family. It's horrible with the hurricanes and earthquake and feeling helpless. I can't imagine all of PR without power and possibly people not having enough food etc. The extent of the damage from recent disasters is heartbreaking. Also threats from North Korea doesn't help either! We have to live one day at s time. I hope your anxieties are lessened and that your family is ok.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hope your family is okay too. I'll be praying for those people impacted by the disasters and be praying for our anxieties to go away, cause it really makes life difficult
I hate when parents do that lol, especially when you live in California, and all of the disasters that happen out there. But Like I just got through telling someone else. "Never live in fear, but in preparation" we were not meant to be here forever and I don't mean this to scare you, but to prepare you. The saying "life is too short" is a famous one for a reason, LIVE! Spend as much time as you possibly can with your family and friends because if you continue focusing on negative scenarios they may one day come to be and you may not ever be able to have the freedom, advantage and or opportunity that you do now. So stop worrying so much. I know you hate that terminology and I know that's not easy for people like us. We have to be proactive towards our emotions. In that case stay away from the TV and social media go out and hang with friends and talk with your family, if you don't work go out and volunteer it'll place you in a different and possibly more comfortable environment I know that it's worked for me the difference is I work at a nursing home. Hospitals, nursing homes and doctors offices has always been my go to, to feel safe and secure. My concern is my overall health and dying and working there has granted me my happiness though my anxiety still persists. You'll be okay. This country has been through far worse than an egotistic trigger happy maniac. Lol i really hope you consider what I'm saying and I do hope you get better soon.

Keejay, you're a good man. Like you, all my life I have worked or volunteered working with the medical profession. It's always made me thankful for my health. Thanks for your encouraging words.

Im trying to have that mindset. It's slowly working for me. It takes time but thank you so much for your advice. Definitely gonna look into something.