I sick for the past month..all vitals are good..blood count excelkent 13..doctor said i have anxiety and depression..i feel weak daily..my arms ..legs..i cry a lot..feeling scared..fearful as if i have a bad sickness..ihave shivers st times and dont feel to eat cant go to work..some days im fine ..then the feelings come on suddenly...i suffered with this before..it usually happens at the end of the year around november..i feel as if im gonna die..i need help...this is terrible.
Anxiety ..very worried.: I sick for the past... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety ..very worried.

This time of the year is a hectic time. Many of us go through anxiety due to the overwhelming state of getting things done. People as ourselves who already have anxiety it can multiply do to the level of stress which has increased. With this normal state of anxiety what you are going through is an addition to your anxiety. You may go through mood swings as to loss of apatite as you said. You need to keep your nutrition up to maintain the chemicals in the brain. They will help you. The feeling of you dying shows your level of anxiety. Tell yourself repeatedly that you are Ok. Be strong as confident in yourself. It may feel as a battle but it is one you will get through. Believe in yourself.

Thank you..i trust that we can continue speaking ..i need the support and counsel..i live alone.so its worse no one to talk to ..mosttimes only phone..Pray for me..i cry alot..thanks
I want to ask ..does anyone ever experienced weakness in arms and legs due to anxiety ..can anxiety cause this..
Living alone makes it difficult too. I am a loner so I have an idea on where you stand. You have my prayers. If you wish to continue communicating feel free to PM me. Yes. Any weakness among the body is an aftermath of the anxiety along with crying spells. Seeing a councilor is a wise thing to do to help you out. Have hope.
Health anxiety can produce a lot of symptoms including those. Have a look online at other ones. They are very frightening but they won't kill you!
I am suffering at this time of the year too. I have health anxiety and this flares up my IBS which causes pain and I think Im dying sonetimes I wish I was. Im on betablockers for anxiety and there is a waiting list of 6 months here to see a therapist. Im 65 years old and feel as though I have gad enough.
I had similar episodes this past year. Like full on hyperventilating panic attacks in the ER. It took months for me to piece it together, but I was sick, underweight, and taking a medication that I was sensitive/allergic too. Finding the allergy helped a lot, but the main stays were exercise, breathing exercises, yoga, positive meditation, healthy diet, and a proper caloric intake. It was/is still a tough journey, but at least I can go to work with a smile on my face! Let me know if you need to bounce some ideas around, maybe I can help..
Hello..anybody ever had these symptoms..
Im unable to walk steady..feel like my lower limbs cant support my upperbody..my left side weaker..
Shaking..weakness ..crying ..scared..dizziness..
Im sick daily..i need help support..feel like im dying at times..
I suffer from anxiety..major depressive disorder...
Anyone felt this way before..