Every little pain becomes something life threatening and I'm in a constant state of anxiety worrying that I'll end up in hospital which is stupid I know.
Does anyone else get like this sometimes? How do you cut those thoughts?
Every little pain becomes something life threatening and I'm in a constant state of anxiety worrying that I'll end up in hospital which is stupid I know.
Does anyone else get like this sometimes? How do you cut those thoughts?
I'm afraid you have to consciously know and believe that there is nothing "deadly" wrong with you as a first step. Without that foundation your conscious mind is unlikely to be able to override the unwanted thoughts from anxiety.
Once you have established that you don't currently have a rapid-onset terminal disease of some kind, you have to then practice believing yourself.
It's the only way.
Oh trust me. I have this feeling every single day. All that I can tell myself is that I’ve worked through it multiple times and I’ve been fine.
I had exactly this experience today. I felt nauseous from lunch, then my boss said are you ok and slam! Panic attack. Then I felt like a wave of cold go over my chest and my immediate reaction was must be a heart attack. I know the symptoms and I had none. But hours later I'm still feeling the after effects.
I tried to think of what my therapist said the other week. I need to start challenging these thoughts. I can't say I was successful today. I really tried, I guess I was a little successful.
I know what you mean about the after effects Dom. When I have an attack, nausea, shaky, unbalanced, afterwards I feel drained, battle weary. I suppose that's because every muscle has tensed up, we breathe too fast, the absolute fear kicks in. It's like my body freezes with fear and cranks up the muscle tension. Then I feel so drained for the rest of the day and sometimes longer!
This is common for me sometimes. I try to meditate and remind myself that I have done these things before a hundred times and it was OK. So it will be ok again! It's like having low mornings and not wanting to get out of bed because you are worried you will feel worse. In reality the opposite is true-I feel better always when I'm up. Try steering away from the what if's and re-assuring yourself that all will be fine. Ninety mine percent of the time they will be. This is a trick of anxiety and depression - accept that it's their voices, not reality.
yes, yes, yes....everyday...so oversensitized to every pain, weird feeling, anything "not right"...I am working on trying to get through these thoughts too. This site helps me a bit by reading that others are in the same boat and we keep getting through. It's the vicious cycle, even when you get to the point that you know it is anxiety, you think, "but what if it isn't?". And around you go again!
I don't have any great tips, just wanted you to know you had my support!
Definitely can relate. It's a cycle that come and goes. I've been surprised how some days I dont get as bothered or worry about things and then when that happens, I'm worried something is wrong because I actually feel ok. It's like now that I've been worried about every little thing and had so many symptoms that on days I actually feel ok, I'm worried something is wrong with that.
But you are not alone. Hard when you've convinced yourself of the worse and truly believe yourself and then when you try to think the opposite, you dont believe yourself. Very tricky of the evil one!!
Wishing us the best!!
Absolutely! I struggle with this a lot. For me, at one point my anxiety had gotten so bad that I felt disassociated and for anyone who has experienced that from anxiety it’s no fun.. So I would automatically think I was going crazy and it is a vicious cycle but you can break yourself out it by convincing yourself that you are ok and nothing bad is happening. I know it’s sooo much easier said than done.
Yup this is me every day. It doesn’t help that I’m looking after my mum who has ms and has ended up in hospital with bowel cancer and later sepsis! Mind you I’ve always had health anxiety. If someone ask me if I’m ok or tells me I don’t look well then my fear is off the scale! I wish I knew the answer for you but I’ve been struggling with this for decades. I make an appointment with my GP every 2 weeks and they’ve sent me for lots of tests, scans etc. I even got an exploratory throat surgery. I was petrified it was cancer because I’m a smoker but it was actually burns from acid reflux mainly due to my anxiety. I was told to “try and relax more” - well duh! I suppose I’m fortunate because being Scottish I have the NHS so don’t have to worry about insurance. I’m going to try the suggestion above about speaking to my younger self, maybe writing it down will help get some of the fear out. I hope and pray you get inner peace and your thoughts become your friends x