I'm very upset. 3 months an counting after getting choked on milk and now I'm still focused on every feeling I have in my throat. Every swallow, every small sensation, thinking I feel a lump... is this ever going to end? Or am I going to wake up every day now thinking and focusing on this? I do not want to at all but every morning at 4am it starts and it lasts all day for me. I honestly don't understand what's happened to me and I'm starting to feel hopeless. My thoughts are never about anything else anymore other than this. I can't focus, I cry in frustration, I need to return to my normal self but I don't know how. Am I going to be stuck this way? I'm only 29 and I have an 8 year old. I don't know how to break this cycle. It's been 3 months. 😔😓
How can I stop focusing on my throat? - Anxiety Support
How can I stop focusing on my throat?
I experience this as well. Do a search for "globus sensation"
What do we do about it? It's taken control of my life....
Hi Amber, It happens to me to..I have a fear of chocking due to swallowing difficulties..I don' t know how to stop It honestly but i understand that it' s horrible going through this..Does anyone know about your experience with the milk?have you talked to anyone you know about It?
How was that anyway? What' s the thing are you most scared now?
Are there any " food textures" you are more comfortable with?
Yes I'm been to 3 diff specialist and had 3 scopes. Nothing is there except maybe reflux or post nasal drip. But I'm constantly now aware of my throat and can't keep my focus off of it. Terrible situation. My family has heard me go on about it for 3 months. It's taken over and I'm trying to move forward and forget about it.

Well reflux might cause this as well..it' s not sure It will go away after you treat reflux , but try to get the reflux under control as much as you can as It can cause scars in your esophagus or throat leading to the lump feeling..I would rule out medical causes as well before and if your throat is ok at that point looking for a therapist if it' s Just psycological..
My GI specialist did an endoscopy and says I don't have GERD. ENTs said I do. GI says I don't have any scarring on my esophagus and they said everything looks normal including a barium swallow. Which obviously boils down to be overthinking this for way to long. Trying to let it go and just eat what I want like the GI said.
I’m the same, I can’t swallow pills at all, I also get the sensation of something stuck in my throat it comes and goes though it’s so annoying. Or feel like I can’t swallow and I will choke on food so eat slowly.
I can swallow and eat just fine it's just thinking I feel something there constantly even when I'm not swallowing. I'm hyper focused on it.