Hello all..I was just wondering. Can anxiety last for days? It seems like I wake up, I start thinking and my anxiety is back. If I’m busy throughout the day, it seems to be better. Going to bed, starts up a bit. Feel my heart beating, sometimes it hurts. Then starts the vicious cycle. Have to figure out where it’s coming from, and deal with it I think. Mine lasts sometimes for days. I’ve gone to the hospital because my heart was skipping beats. They said all is well with my heart. Any thoughts? Thanks
Can anxiety linger: Hello all..I was just... - Anxiety Support
Can anxiety linger

Hey you should hit me up. I know the feeling.
Yeah, anxiety can for sure last for days, weeks, and even months. When the nerves are over sensitized and the mind is bombarded by thoughts left and right, physical symptoms can manifest and it's a horrible feeling. There might be nothing wrong with you physically, but you feel like there is because your mind and your body are not on the same page.
Thanks so much for responding. That’s good to know! Also, I can’t eat when I feel like this, have to wait awhile. Thank gawd for this site. 💕
Health anxiety is so annoying! I feel like it's a vicious cycle
Healthy anxiety is just awful. I've had anxiety last for months and then being so overly anxious panic attacks started. That's when I reached out for help.
Well after dealing with it for almost a year by myself and not being embarrassed when I called my doctor I must say he was actually a little upset that I wasn't honest with him in the beginning. Reaching out for help was the best thing that I could do. Have good days and then I have off days and that's okay and learning is okay. I also learned who my real friends are the ones there when you need them you're not a bother to them they'll always be there. And that was big with me they have a support system
That’s good, sounds like a good Dr. I find that people with anxiety are more sensitive. I know I am. Empathetic too. I feel like I take on other people’s feelings and problems. I worry about them. I’m learning to let go. Also, like you said, we have to stay with positive people and the ones who really care about us.
Absolutely! Its hard for my not too take the world on. I have such a big heart! But it's now time for us!
Absolutely, I agree. I say that too! Keep our good energy to heal ourselves. Not in a selfish way. A healthy way.
Although all anxiety follows a form, I think much of it fits the individual who has it. Sort of a made to order condition. We have more control than we realize, but we get so distracted by fear it's hard to be objective about it. When you are doing solitary things you notice yourself more and are open to anxiety happening. You check yourself out when going to bed and when you wake up.Notice your behavior more for clues. Writing down what you are doing fwhen you start to feel anxious will in time show a pattern . You have to take an active part in your recovery.. The good news,,,it's possible to recover. Hugs. Pam
That is so true Pam! I’m going to start to write down when I have these feelings. When I’m busy, seems ok..when I sit down or have time to think, like you said solitary things, it creeps in. Thank you for your input. ❣️
Yes anxiety can go and go. You’ll may have moments that your not anxious because your mind occupied on a task.
That why they say a busy mind isn’t an anxious mind. Are you on any anti anxiety meds ? If no maybe you should be or if you are you need to speak with your Dr about changing meds.
Best wishes John
Thanks John..I’m not on any meds. I’m doing CBD oil. I’m trying natural. It started about a year or so ago. I think we have to identify what is bringing it on and change it if we can. I know I take on the worlds problems sometimes in my head. Not good.
How do you handle it if you don’t mind me asking. Christina
Sorry to say, it can last for years 😖
I have had any anxiety for years, I went to a private psychiatrist in London who recommend Pregabalin, boy thank god for this pill, it’s stopped my Anxiety in its tracks, I only take a very very low dose 50mg twice a day, no side affects and my GP is in favour of it, I am very fit and it’s not interfered with my love of sport in any way, I take a tiny dose of Lexepro 5mg with it and it’s done the job.
That’s fantastic! I always say, I love the way they do things in the UK! Even their comedy and other entertainment is great! Glad you found something that works!
Hi Glad it helped you, we are very blessed to live in the U.K. the NHS is free and I live in East Sussex and the care is great x
I am in the exact same boat. My heart starting pounding on the 17th June to be exact and starts skipping beats and big thuds with pauses very scary and I get so dizzy and faint with it. Been to AnE dont no how many times now and they've said I'm having ectopic beats but not to worry. Well I am 🙄.... I literally do not have ONE day we're I feel OK and don't have any of these symptoms so ur not alone x
Oh so sorry to hear. Mine are not every day but I reading up on anxiety and a lot of times we are low in potassium or magnesium. It can cause anxiety, irregular heartbeat etc. When we are low in these minerals. I got some magnesium yesterday. Just started taking it. They don’t recommend taking over the counter potassium. Can be dangerous if you get too much. Start eating some potassium rich foods and see what happens. Or have your dr check your levels first. Don’t want yo get too much. I feel for you. I went to hospital once. My heart was actually pausing in between beats. Very scary and annoying!!
Let me know how your doing. I feel better since I’ve been eating more potassium, but BP pill I’m on depletes mine so have to make sure I eat every day. Hope you get some relief.
Hi thanks for the advice I'm going to ask the docs about gettin some. Do u take magnesium too. How do u find that, is that over the counter too? Yeah mine does the pauses to inbetween beats and they last for about three seconds then a thump then a pause thn a thump. This happens about 6 times then goes away for a few hours. I get that quite alot through out the day to. I'm not generally an anxious person. Tho which is why iv developed health anxiety which probably makes things worse. Hope ur feeling better too soon, mines really effecting my life x
You’re welcome..it does affect our life.
The magnesium I got at Whole Foods don’t know if you have them where you live. You want to get a magnesium malate or glysonate. Glysonate absorbs well. Chelated is really good, time released. Prob like 400 mg is recommended. I wouldn’t fool around with potassium. I would get it from foods. Your dr can check your potassium levels.Make sure you’re not low. It makes sense though when I was reading about potassium and magnesium. Google it if you can and look at symptoms of low magnesium and potassium, but don’t take over the counter potassium on your own. Not safe. Plenty if foods with it. Let me know.
Hi I’m sorry your going through this mine anxiety has lasted for months now daily. I get up and feel fine then about 1hr into my day it starts. This has been going on for months now with a headache and pulsing in my head near my temples. I am in nursing school and only work a few hours because it’s debilitating. It has almost ruined my family and the fact that I have iron deficiency enemia does not help. Hope you feel better soon if staying busy helps then stay busy hydrated and well rested. Not having enough rest seemed to set me off in the pass.
Hi Galyndra1217. Sounds like you’ve had lots of good feedback, so pleased for you. I seem to get pretty much the same as you. Mine starts in the evening worrying about how i’m going to feel in the morning. I tend to wake up with nausea, tingling in my hands and feet and buzzing in my head. Like you if I keep busy I don’t notice. I know a few people on here listen to a Dr Claire Weekes. She’s great at talking about how anxiety plays tricks on you ie all the feeling are simply your mind playing tricks on you. I also listen to Calm an app with guided meditation. Interesting that Vectron mention Pregabalin, my GP is talking of putting me on it. She’s told me it can really help. Propranolol has helped me with heart palpitations. Wishing you well🌺x
Hi..thank you for responding. So nice to talk to other people. There really are nice people in the world lol. I am going to listen to Claire Weekes. I meditate, which hells. Yoga is good too. Haven’t done medication. I’ll see how it goes, natural for now. Thank you so much for your input. It really helps. I wish you well too. I believe we have to help each other in this life. 👍😊
Good for you....if you can sort your anxiety without medication I feel that’s the best root. My aim at some point is to try and get off medication. I really feel for me it’s about changing the way I react to situations in life. Life is good days and bad and taking one day at a time 😊x
Oh boy!!! Tell me about sensitive. Someone only has to look at me the wrong way and I think it’s all about me LOL! Guess what.... it’s not, may be their just having a bad day. Get over myself 😅x
Lol..right? 🤣