Anxiety is ruining everything : It's me... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety is ruining everything

Lihht profile image
32 Replies

It's me again :( My anxiety is literally ruining my life. The chest pains, dizziness, heart palpitations, etc is almost unbearable. I can barely ride in the car to get to work without freaking out! As soon as the car starts moving I get hot and cold flashes and have to immediately get out of the car or I become hysterical. I have hit or miss days at work it seems. Somedays I can get through okay but others I have to leave the floor and sit down for 30 mintues to compose myself. I've been calling off a lot due to my anxiety being this bad... i constantly feel like im going to die or have heart issues. Even though I've had chest xrays, blood work, stress tests, heart holter monitor, and an echo that comes back perfect. I literally don't know what to do anymore. It's still a few weeks before I see my pcp and psychiatrist... i literally don't even want to leave my home anymore...

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Lihht profile image
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32 Replies
Autumnsa profile image

I'm fighting a war too as we speak. For about a week now ive been having really bad internal tremors and 24/7 anxiety and nausea. I seen my doctor yesterday and she started me on buspar but it'll take a week or so maybe more for me to feel better. Please know you will over come this. Ive had many episodes in my 7 year battle and i always get through it, and you will too.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Hi I also get the internal tremors, they are like Brain Zaps that run down the left side of my body, have been giving citlopram for my anxiety this week, my anxiety been the worse ever since October last year

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

My tremors and anxiety feed off of each other. I've missed a whole week of work because of this. I don't leave my house. And i dread every second of everyday that i've been like this. *Been like this for about a week*

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

I really struggle to do a full week at work, these zaps tremors just come out of no where they are so scary, been trying everything to beat this Anxiety from health remedies to acupuncture to clean diet nothing seems to work

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

Is citalopram your first medication?

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

No i was on Setraline for 9 months in 2014 but came off them now the Anxiety has come back with a vengeance, plus i had a SVT in December so now im also on Bisraprol

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

Oh okay. Well getting back on something may be the best thing for you. We just can't let this beat us. Stay as strong as you can. *i know, says the person who can't even leave her house*

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Thanks for that 👍🏼 really appreciate your words it’s horrible I was locked in my house for 2 weeks it’s just horrible just so tired of it

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

It's like one minute I'm hopeful and then the next minute i feel hopeless.. I'm having a really hard time with this attack. I randomly get these once every couple years, but this has been the worst one yet.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Sorry if you mentioned this but what or are you taking anything for your anxiety?

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

I take Effexor paired with Wellbutrin XR. I've been on this combo for about 4 years now.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Are they SSRI tablets?

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

Effexor is an SSRI. She added Wellbutrin when my body started becoming immune to the dosage. (Yes we tried to just up the effexor, but my body couldn't handle it) And 2 days ago she added Buspar 5mg/twice a day.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Is Buspar like Diazapam?

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

Compared to similar drugs, Valium (diazepam) acts very quickly but can have interactions with other medicines.Buspar (buspirone) relieves anxiety with less drowsiness and abuse potential than other anti-anxiety medicines, but it takes time to work and effects might wear off over time.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Yes my Doc in 2014 prescribe me Valium lets say i went back for more the next week and got refused point blank, i did start getting addicted to them, i take it that Buspar is something you can't take long term?

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

It can work long term for some people I'm sure. It's very commonly prescribed for anxiety. It just takes longer to feel any positive effects because of having to work in the brain. Dosage of this med has to be increased often for some people. But I'm just fighting it out right now since i just started. It can take 1-2 weeks to feel anh difference and 4-6 weeks to feel a full effect.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Thanks for everything today just hope we both beat this horrible shit

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

I'm about to leave my house in a bit for the first time in a while so wish me luck please. Feel free to message me anytime if you need to.


Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Thank you, let us know how you get on leaving the house take care, the first time i left the house i had to be with someone.

Autumnsa profile image
Autumnsa in reply to Padayn01

I have conquered so much today. I just got home. Not an ounce of anxiousness. Things are looking up for me, and they will for you too.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Autumnsa

Wow great news fantastic so happy for you 🙏🏼

PAST2FUTURE profile image

Talk with your GP about medication, its along process but medication can help mask the symptoms of anxiety and hopefully help get on with your day. Your body has now become fused with anxiety levels and feels it's normal until you can balance the reactions the body feels when over worrying.

Well, I can’t tell ya much on how to solve this. But I’m here

I only work on weekends and school few days. I had to leave my career. Cause my heart was coming through my chest. My anxiety everyday is an issue to leave the house and do a few hours of these mentioned above tasks

People don’t understand. You should see me do my project in class I can only imagine what these kids think of me barely breathing and I don’t even know what words are getting out.

Anyways. We are here

BmacGuru profile image

Yeah i know the feeling girl. This happens when your stress and anxiety level is up, and it loves your attention. Ignoring your symptoms will help alot because these symptoms are very proud and are easily ashamed, lol, so once you start practising ignoring them, they eventually go away. Esoecially for the heart palputations even when its happening remind yourself that your having an attack and its ok, its annoying but not dangerous. Just keep telling yourself that. I think of my anxiety like a nagging family member, always coming around unwanted but when you ignore them they get the picture and just leave. And eventually with practice youll be fine... trust me..... ive been there

Sallyderek profile image

I understand completely...anxiety claimed my life around 28 years ago but I managed to cope until 6 years ago and then I just went over the edge and was on the sick for 6 months but just couldn't go back to work. I didn't really have panic attacks but I was in fight or flight for a year and a half. My heart and brain just racing non stop. The medication saved my life to a certain degree but I cannot see me ever returning to the person I once was. It's just such an awful thing to live with as you well know. Get the best meds you can and see how you go xx

Did you try meds

Jbro78 profile image

All of your symptoms are symptoms of anxiety attacks. When they strike don’t run away or sit down. Invite them in. Don’t fight them. The way to lesson the symptoms is to allow them to stay. Bring them closer to you and they will go away over time. Your brain thinks something is wrong so it’s telling your body to do something about it. The best way out is to do nothing. It’s hard. Takes a lot of patience and practice. I’ve been at it now for almost two years but my symptoms have decreased 10 fold. Look at it like a bluff. The symptoms of fear and dread or death are a bluff. Nothing more. Please read Claire Weekes book. She gives the tools necessary to live with, and eventually recover from anxiety. These symptoms can’t hurt you. They feel ridiculously awful but they can’t hurt you. So let them be there. Doing nothing is the ultimate FU to your anxiety.

Calm_mama profile image
Calm_mama in reply to Jbro78

Love your response, agree 110%. Claire Weekes: Expert, brilliant, genius.

Nothing works and this is fantastic news. Nothing actually WORKS:

Dee075 profile image

Hi , what’s tremors hoe they feel

You may want to try to take ashwaganda at night before bed. I used to wake up with severe anxiety and pain from nerve issues and it helps keep the cortisol levels in check.

Ironj profile image

Good afternoon Lihht

Are you taking any Benzodiazepine medications ? If not I strongly encourage taking them. And if you are maybe you should talk with your psychiatrist about upping the dosage.

You certainly have had all the test done to clear you of any heart conditions , that’s a great think to know. Your having the typical ( WHAT IF’S ) the what if’s keep people dwelling on the thought maybe the Dr’s are wrong as your having symptoms. As much as it’s a struggle to get in that car you should fight through it, keeping yourself in the state your in your world will get smaller and smaller. This is where the benzodiazepine will get you through your anxiety.

Best wishes John

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