So confused😞: I'm 20 and lately I've been... - Anxiety Support

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So confused😞

Addison_Miller profile image
•25 Replies

I'm 20 and lately I've been experiencing some really weird symptoms I did a lot of test but they were all normal My heart beats really fast I get goosebumps a lot, my body feel as tho it's shaking slightly I see things differently it feels as tho I'm in a dream and when that happens my muscles feel tight even my throat and I feel like I'm gonna die. It's been like 4 months now since I'm feeling this way. I feel this way everyday for 24/7

I really don't know what's happening to me. Anybody have a clue?

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Addison_Miller profile image
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25 Replies
TrustnGod profile image

Hello LovePop20. If you’ve been checked out for these symptoms and been given a clear bill of health then I would 100% say this is anxiety. When you google anxiety, you’ll not find your symptoms because researchers and doctors only care about the main symptoms that affect the average anxious person. But if you look further into anxiety, it can cause SO many symptoms it’s alarming. You can even find posts on all of the symptoms on this site.

What you’re going through is a chemical imbalance in the brain which is causing your body to be in a constant or near constant state of fight or flight. This state is going to cause a crazy amount of adrenaline to pump through your body which is way more adrenaline than anyone needs. So this constant rush is causing your nerves to be WAY too sensitive and in turn you feel a whole array of crazy symptoms that you wouldn’t feel with a regularly functioning nervous system.

I didn’t believe my symptoms were anxiety for the longest time so I found myself at the ER, urgent care, or my doctor’s office weekly, trying to figure out why I was feeling this way. They kept on telling me it was anxiety but I didn’t believe it so I ended up spending tons of money on specialists and tests to rule out every crazy disease I thought I had. After ever inch of my body had been examined, I finally decided to try therapy and natural medication for anxiety. I wish I would’ve realized that anxiety can cause so many symptoms because I would’ve gotten the help I needed way sooner.

You’re going to get through this!


Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to TrustnGod

Trustngod Thank you so much ! Four doctors did told me it was anxiety but the symptoms were just so weird something I've never experienced. I'll try the therapy. Thanks again Trustngod☺

Mike7777 profile image

I have these symptoms as well. Are you on any meds?

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to Mike7777

Hi Mike 7777 no I'm not on any meds. I do hope u feel better tho! It really sucks

Delzek profile image

Hi LovePop20, I suffer from Anxiety attacks to the point of having Panic attacks! Your symptoms sound similar to what I experience , I have ended up in hospital with what I could only describe as like having a heart attack ( racing heart, tight chest,and indescribable pain) I now take Diazepam prior to going outside on my own ! Now I know what it is I can deal with it most of the time, you learn how to get through it, doesn't work for everyone but does for me, I think of a place I love and escape to it in my mind (bit difficult if you are outside though) I hope you find a method you can use , I am also agoraphobic so most of my panic attacks happen when I don't take any Diazepam

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to Delzek

Hi delzek I'm so sorry to hear u go through so much I'm glad u found something which helps you manage it

Thanks a lot for the tips I'll try them out

I too had to been admitted to the hospital in June they thought I had epilepsy and they had me on valporate acid dilantin and tegretol but when they did an EEG everything was normal so they discharged me.

Is it possible I could be having anxiety from since age 7?

When I was 7 sometimes I would feel like my spirit and my body is separated it was a really scary feeling my voice would sound unfamiliar and I would start screaming that I'm dying. Could that be due to anxiety?

Delzek profile image
Delzek in reply to Addison_Miller

Unlike some I believe even Babies can suffer from Anxiety. I am on the "Heal my PTSD " community here ( you might find it very helpful I did)and have posted not the same but similar things as your post states, You are describing an "Out of body experience" anxiety about not being able to re enter your body with your Spirit could cause a Panic attack in your sleep! Just try to remember it's a Dream and dreams can not hurt anyone physically. I hope that your suffering stops soon!

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to Delzek

Thank you Delzek I really appreciate that it means a lot

CopingwithEx profile image
CopingwithEx in reply to Addison_Miller

Hi Lovepop20. It is possible to have anxiety so young, my anxiety started at 10- it got so bad my parents had me checked at hospital with cat scans because I struggled to breathe so often! I go through phases of feeling fine and then other days where I feel like I have no control over my body, but it does get better! Sending you good vibes only

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to CopingwithEx

Hi Edmx oh woww I never knew it starts so young. Did u overcome it completely?

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to CopingwithEx

Does that also cause your entire body to feel numb? Like you're dying?

CopingwithEx profile image
CopingwithEx in reply to Addison_Miller

Not completely, I go through phases of having almost crippling anxiety but there are days where I feel much better. The more I think about being anxious the more symptoms I have, my body goes numb -(this and throat closing are the scariest symptoms I’ve experienced) I get pins and needles everywhere (sometimes) and I always get a numb, empty sensation in my head? As if it’s compleltey filled with air. A good way to help grip back to reality when you’re having an attack is focus on what you can feel, what you can smell and what you can hear. Anxiety can play tricks with you and make you feel like you are losing control and can’t tell what’s reality and what’s anxiety. Watching videos on YouTube ect helps for me, it’s quite calming when I really start to focus on something else I’m watching I slowly forgot about what’s happening with my body!

thyroidmom84 profile image

I started having panic attacks right around your age- always felt throat was closing and I couldn’t breath. Mine became an almost daily occurrence and I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder at 19. It got to the point where I didn’t want to leave the house because of anticipatory anxiety, but Paxil helped me a lot. Obviously something to think about but, as others have said, if no other medical cause can be found, sounds very much like an anxiety attack.

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to thyroidmom84

Oh wow

Thanks a lot

Glad you're getting better

Cause this really sucks

thyroidmom84 profile image
thyroidmom84 in reply to Addison_Miller

Yes I’m almost 35 now and haven’t had to take it my entire life, just over a few years. They would go away and then come back and then go away for years. You will be ok!

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to thyroidmom84

Thanks dear. 😊

How long does it usually last tho?

thyroidmom84 profile image
thyroidmom84 in reply to Addison_Miller

Well my panic attacks went away almost immediately after taking Paxil. But I stayed on it for another 2 years, so I’m not sure if I was still having them or not. Then I got off of it and had my kids and then started getting them again so I went right back on it and they went away.

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to thyroidmom84

Ohhhh okay so it's just on and off

Thanks :)

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to thyroidmom84

When I was younger the feelings were on and off but as soon as I reached 18 it got worse and i started having it everyday for 24/7

thyroidmom84 profile image
thyroidmom84 in reply to Addison_Miller

Oh no, sounds like you are really suffering! I would definitely see a doctor and ask what options are if you are comfortable with medication. For me it was almost night and day

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to thyroidmom84

Yeah it's really horrible

I don't mind the meds I would do anything to be back to normal

Thanks again :)

Delzek profile image
Delzek in reply to Addison_Miller

You should try to keep off meds or you can become reliant on them. I know my saying that is hypocritical as I do rely on medication now, but if I had known the problems of taking them too long I would never have started! I try to limit my intake now and find if I can take my mind away from my anxieties and fears it can be controlled without taking meds straight away! I leave medication as the last resort. Good luck be safe! Derek

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to Delzek

Okay delzek thanks a lot for that!!!

Sapgirl profile image

Hi I feel exactly the same. I have the pounding heart right now. Skipped beats which are ruining my life, dizzy and like a fainty feeling although u never faint, short of breath, chest pain, and tremors. The tremors have been so bad recently that my jaw has started locking and iv got such bad jaw ache... I have jist been diagnosed with pots and suffer sever health anxiety with panick attacks supposedly although I argue with the docs that I'm not 🙈 x

Addison_Miller profile image
Addison_Miller in reply to Sapgirl

Hi sap 1988 I'm sooo sorry to hear. I know u will get better!!

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