Bad experience at ER and now extreme anxiety. - Anxiety Support

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Bad experience at ER and now extreme anxiety.

36 Replies

I don't even have the energy to type out a whole post lol but basically my psychiatrist messed up my meds, wouldn't get back to me on the phone and then I had a huge panic attack (intense dread, felt like i was in a different world, like i was going to pass out or have a seizure). At the ER I got scolded by the triage doctor for coming to the ER so much while I was having a panic attack. I got snippy with her and then immediately started sobbing when she left, hahah. Then the doctor came in and told me pretty much the same thing, didn't seem to care and gave me an ativan. He left the room while I was talking. Next thing I knew a nurse was coming in with my discharge papers about how to manage anxiety. They didn't offer any help. I feel so hopeless and still feel so much dread. I feel like I'm going to die of anxiety and no one cares. I follow up with my doctor and she doesn't do anything either. She just looks at me sympathetically and says "Oh, I know, I know. But you need to stop going to the ER. Just come here." YOU DON'T KNOW. None of these people know. Do you think I like being in the ER? Like it's a genuine fun place to be and I go there for all of the fun? Every single time I go to the ER it's because I truly believe with all of my being that I'm about to DIE. I'm so upset and anxious and just livid.

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36 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image

Do you have your own Ativan at home to stop the attack so you don't have to go to the ER

in reply to Dolphin14

I have valium but it doesnt do anything and sometimes it makes my anxiety worse.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I'm sorry you had that ER experience but I'm not surprised. Theres not much they do for anxiety but give the Ativan and tell you to see your md.

At the minimum they should do an ekg.

SpiritualT profile image
SpiritualT in reply to

I’m the same I’ve had had around 60 visits. I feel no one understands too.

Ksmithfield profile image

I had a very similar experience a few days ago at the ER. My experiences are more formed from health anxiety, but I still get the same feeling of dread and panic that I’m going to die from whatever illness that I think that I have. I have symptoms of things and always assume the worst- which leads me to the ER. I do get some not so nice comments from doctors/nurses and even family members sometimes (most of them have been wonderful and extremely hard working) that I shouldn’t be in the ER. I understand that it’s for emergencies- but it’s like I feel like I’m currently in that emergency, and even when I’m cleared I still have my doubts about what will happen after I leave the ER. Last time I was there, I was having chest pains and trouble breathing, and my blood pressure/pulse was sky high. I had a hospitalization for a few days earlier that month and feared for weeks that I was having a PE, and worried myself into a terrible state. Here’s the thing- for me I’ve realized that this is a cycle that I struggle with chronically, and every pain makes me believe I have something seriously wrong with me. Now I know my situation is different from yours- but if your meds were screwed up (believe me I’ve experienced this) the hospital should have absolutely taken you seriously and treated you fairly unlike what you have experienced. I’ve left doctors offices/ERs/Urgent Care crying and having panic attacks just from the disrespect of some doctors alone. Unfortunately (even though it sucks) people are like that and don’t take mental health seriously. A minor change in medicine can make a huge difference and cause significant side effects in people. If anyone’s having a severe panic attack, the thing that they least need is judgement from the people who are supposed to help you. I hope someday hospitals can become more equipped to deal with mental health in all aspects, and not just push patients aside. Antidepressants carry benefits that often outweigh the risks, however they still can cause symptoms that can worsen anxiety/depression. As these symptoms can be dangerous and lead to dangerous situations, we need to be taken more seriously. I’m so sorry for what you have experienced- and I hope that you will make headway on your mental health journey.

Icanbeathis2016 profile image
Icanbeathis2016 in reply to Ksmithfield

I so feel everything you said in this response, from the er experiences to how you think every bad feeling or pain means something bad is gonna happen. Its definitely a vicious cycle. I've been dealing with this for almost 4 years now. And without taking any meds. And I often wonder if I'm making my journey with this or to recovery not happen all because I haven't given the meds a try. But then I look at others posts on here who do take meds and yet they are having the same bad days, panic attacks, and er stories. So I then think I would prefer to just get through this without the meds since it seems that I may still struggle with or without it.

My biggest issue now after having my ups and downs is that anxiety has evolved to me having OCD and being so paranoid of everything. I notice every single detail of any different or feel any slight difference in my body and I'm worried. I cant even do simple things I use to like going shopping for food. Ive because so afraid to eat certain things that it may make me sick. Or if something doesn't look right I wont even buy it. And l use to shop and not pay attention to these things and enjoy eating and never had problems before. And I ask myself, "how did I survive before when I wasn't so paranoid?" Now I'm struggling to survive all together because everything has become like a threat. Paranoid of people thinking they might do something that could harm me, scared of my environment now, food. Everything and I get no peace sometimes.

I wish us the best

Ksmithfield profile image
Ksmithfield in reply to Icanbeathis2016

I relate to your experiences with ocd completely. It’s hard for me to go out to restaurants especially, because I’m afraid the food is bad or contains some contamination. My biggest fear is chemical contamination, and I often wash my hands way too frequently. I’m glad that you have been able to cope with your anxiety/ocd so well, however I encourage the idea of medicine to help you in your daily life. Before medicine I could not even function, and I seem to have little to none side effects with my current medications. I encourage you to talk to your doctor (if that’s the path you choose) about medicine and see what they have to say. Before starting medicine I too would read reviews and side effects, and initially refused to take it. However, you have to remember that you are healthy, and the benefits outweigh the risks. Now, that’s not to say I haven’t gone through my fair share of trials with medicines, in fact I’ve gone through nearly ten different anxiety/depression meds alone this year. I also encourage you to find a doctor that specializes in these types of meds, that you feel comfortable with and that you trust- as that can make a ton of difference. I wish you the best of luck on your mental health journey!

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to Icanbeathis2016

Sorry to hear you are experiencing all this.

I too am trying to get through all this without medication, if I'm honest I'm scared of it and don't want to be on something for the rest of my life, and I often wonder what they might do to you in the way of damage to your body.

My fears are also heightened, my fear of spiders has gone through the roof lately, my husband is on spider alert!

And I also am a bit funny about food as I have a fear of being sick, mind you I worked in microbiology for years so that doesn't help!

I still have all my muscle tension, gasping for breath thing sometimes, tmj, ringing in my ears, funny tummy

Maybe we would be better trying medication, as all this restricts my life and I feel like I am just existing and its exhausting.

Just wanted you to know you are not alone! Take care xx

Icanbeathis2016 profile image
Icanbeathis2016 in reply to Funkyfaerie

Thank you for sharing your plights with me. It does give a bit of calm when I see it's not just me, which I know many go through this same thing as well.

I get bad tummy, gassy, different headaches, brain sensations, different aches and pains. Ita so hard to dismiss them at times but I can tell I've gotten better at still going on with my day and not letting it steal my entire day.

My fear of anything that bites or stings have heightened and have become totally afraid of nature and my environment.

I've also become afraid of getting sick or vomiting. Like literally so scared of getting sick.

Yeah I still battle with the thought of giving meds a solid try.

I wish ua the best..

Funkyfaerie profile image

Dear Someone,

I do feel for you. When we have these odd panic attacks, and I've been told by my doctor, mine isn't classic?! It's what happens to me what's classic?! A set of symptoms they have written down?

What I'm trying to say is they don't realise that their impatience with us, makes us worse, makes us feel alone, like nobody cares, it's frustrating, it's scary and all we want is reassurance.

Have you tried talking therapy, I know that's not immediately going to fix your panic feelings, but it helps you think differently and work it all out.

It helped me, and while having this talking therapy, I still took diazepam (I don't know if this is the same as Ativan?)

And I took an anti nausea pill sometimes, I don't take any other drugs.

I used to be scared to go to bed as I knew that I would wake up in a panic, shaking and my stomach churning, but the therapist helped me see how the vicious circle of panic worked and helped me out of that. I get a ffeling of being unbalanced feelings, dizzy and nausea and have realised it's from the muscle tension in my back and neck through holding myself rigid with fear, so I am working on that with relaxation and physio.

I'm by no means right yet and I do still have what I call funny turns. Talking isn't for everyone I know, but my doctor was getting fed up with me, and there's nothing worse than that exasperated tone in their voice to make you feel so alone with all this, and to walk out while you are still talking us just plain rude!

We all know they are busy and there are patients in worse conditions, but this is real to us. I used to say to my husband, if you could just feel for ten minutes how I feel you would know how horrible it is.

I do hope you are feeling calmer now, maybe some sleep?

Just one question, are you in the US and having to pay for these ER visits?

Just keep talking on here if you have too, I know it helps. xx

in reply to Funkyfaerie

I am in therapy, but I cant see my therapist nearly enough, maybe i should find a new one hahah. I have insurance so thankfully I only pay a small amount for the ER visits. I also wake up in a panic. Its the worst feeling I can imagine.

in reply to

Yeah, my anxiety isn't "classic" either. Boo. Thanks for your thoughtful reply. :)

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to

I used to wake up in a panic, shaking, sweating, stomach churning, many dashes to the loo, not wanting to go to bed, as I feared the morning panic. But I think the morning panic was fear of the day ahead, with dizzy, swaying feelings nausea, back pain. The whole thing is just a nightmare. However, I have managed to lessen my morning panic overtime. I never wake up with the joys of spring any more, but I have managed to talk myself out of the shaking and tummy problems.

I do think I am just over sensitive to everything and think too much!

You have had some wonderful responses on here, and it just goes to show how many of us suffer, you'd think by now there would be a better solution, and some compassion from hospital staff... Don't get me wrong there are some lovely caring staff, I have met some, but there are some that Just think we are pathetic. They need to spend a day in our shoes!

I hope you have a calm weekend xx

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image

I'm so sorry you are going through this :( I went through 3 major anxiety/burnouts in the past 5 years. Panic attacks that would last hours at a time. The last recent episode lasted 5 months and am now finally feeling better for the past week. I'm sensitive to meds and they usually make me much worse. Ativan does help, Trazodone helped somewhat but mostly to fall asleep (Trazodone prescription was 50 mg but I was taking a bit less than 1/4 dose and it was working) I stopped the Trazodone after 1 month because of the side effects again.

I'm sharing my experience just in case you may have symptoms that you may not know that it's causing the anxiety to be worse, like I had. Sleep apnea for example, I was diagnosed 5 months ago but my sleep study was 1 year ago, I had never suspected sleep apnea in the past as I never snore, but finally I considered it a possibility. I'm finally sleeping better with a CPAP for the past month, but it takes about 3-4 weeks before getting better. I was always a hard sleeper and slept through the night all my life but I knew waking up something wasn't right even though I could sleep 7-9 hours. I would always have a lot of trouble waking up and very groggy like I was waking in the middle of the night. Get yourself checked for sleep apnea, just in case, if you have sleep issues. The first Doctor I asked 2-3 years ago before changing to a new Doctor, told me only obese people get sleep apnea. Yet here I am very skinny and diagnosed. The past 6 months however the apnea became much worse and I would sleep at times only 1-2 hours as every time I would start dosing off I would stop breathing. It was terrible.

I also have bad IBS-D since a teenager, but recently got worse, and then the anxiety got worse as a result. I started taking Psyllium husk capsules 1 per meal at first and after a few weeks increased to 2 then 3 per meal, as well as 50 Billion probiotic in the morning with the Psyllium husk just before breakfast. Psyllium/fiber is a prebiotic and helps to feed the probiotics. The gut is our second brain and often times this can be the issue. I've been doing this for the past 3 weeks and started to do a little cardio exercise every day, like vigorous walking, and a little bit of weights. Finally, after doing this for the past 3 weeks I'm starting to feel back to normal after trying for years with diet, somewhat exercise (I have lots of exercise intolerance), breathing techniques/meditation and meds, All of which would never help much, except for Effexor which actually helped me a few years back, but didn't like the side effects long term and stopped. Now it seems like the Psyllium, probiotic and light daily exercise is finally helping even though I felt like I was dying after doing very light exercise.

I hope you find what helps you. I've been reading a lot of posts of people suffering like I've been and I know how hard it is. To me the Doctors have been useless and clueless how truly terrible we feel.

in reply to HealthAnxietyGuy

I'm sorry you've also had bad luck with doctors. Its so frustrating. Ive had a full medical workup so it seems my anxiety is completely psychological. Thanks for taking the time to reply. :)

Icanbeathis2016 profile image

Dont feel bad for how ever many times you go to an er. It is what it is. People who dont go through what we go through will never understand. Mental fights are probably just as bad as physical. I have on many occasions just drove to an er and sat in the parking lot just incase I really felt I needed to go in. I've even went as far as sitting in the er like I was just someone waiting on someone else. Anything that would give me a little peace I did it.

But I'm very disappointed in these doctors and hospitals. I have lost much trust and also respect because they dont take a patient like me serious.

Amz1987 profile image
Amz1987 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

I’ve also gone and parked in the car park of the local emergency. I wanted to get out so bad but just sat until I calmed down then went home.

TrustnGod profile image

Hello Someone. I’m so sorry you had this experience. I do feel for you because a similar thing happened to me. They have no right to get mad at you for going in though. Your body is sending false signals saying THIS IS AN EMERGENCY and they don’t understand that. It’s very difficult having panic attacks and trying to get help from people who have no clue what you’re going through. I work in an ER and am saddened at the lack of help there is for cases that come in with anxiety. But at the same time I understand because there are so many urgent cases that doctors need to focus on. I just wish they’d be more open to having a therapist or psychiatrist from the hospital come talk to you instead of just throwing you some medicine and saying take this, you’ll be fine. They honestly should make like emergency facilities for people with panic attacks/mental health problems so we can go in there where we can receive the support we need. A lot of us are in therapy but that doesn’t mean we don’t get really panicky outside of therapy and need some extra support.


UFC80 profile image
UFC80 in reply to TrustnGod

Wow! I do like that idea very much!!!

A "Care Center & Mental Health Center" I wouldn't be surprised if one of those Urgent care centers adds this type of Service to their wing! People of all ages kids also, could benefit alot from it. Even the Suicidal!!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to UFC80

It sounds like a perfect solution to an ever growing need. xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to TrustnGod

I totally agree with you TrustnGod. Having been both a patient as well as an employee

of the ER, I believe it would not only benefit the patient but cut down on the emergency

traffic of the emergency room. Years ago it was different. There were social workers and/or psychiatrists who would see the patient while in the ER. Now a days, it's more

about giving them Ativan, allowing them to sleep it off and send them home. The worst

thing was hearing them laughing behind the curtains ridiculing the person and hearing

"it's only an anxiety attack" .... that's about as cruel as it can get. xx

TrustnGod profile image
TrustnGod in reply to Agora1

I 100% agree Agora. That is so true it’s just sad. Psych is only called if the patient is suicidal which they absolutely should but at the same time offering alternative help besides just drugs should also part of patient care.


Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to TrustnGod

TrustnGod, you are absolutely right in that it's more than about drugs, it should be

about doing something positive in allowing the patient to calm their fears. I will say

that the ER itself is not set up to handle anything not life threatening. However just as I never

thought the day would come that drug stores would offer Clinical Care, I'm hoping

that society will see how important a walk in mental health clinic would be. I have

a feeling that the lines would be out the door.

I see this being a necessity soon because of the low availability of psychiatrists as

well as long waiting time for appointments. xx

Amz1987 profile image
Amz1987 in reply to TrustnGod

I’ve just learned that there is a mental health triage centre just near a hospital about 40 minutes from me. You don’t need a referral you can just go in like you would an ER and be triaged and seen to from mental health nurses. The hospital it’s next to also has 6 beds in emergency allocated for mental heath patients. But it’s still not enough considering it services hundreds of thousands of people. But I think every hospital should have something like this, there would be less strain on the ER doctors dealing with other cases.

TrustnGod profile image
TrustnGod in reply to Amz1987

Wow I love that. That is so true! Getting medicine thrown at you and being told it’s “just anxiety” like this is a debilitating disease and you should treat it that way or at least help me!

dom410 profile image

Hi I care about you and do t want you to die if that helps. I'm also sorry you had to go through this. I also think your justification of being angry and disappointed is totally normal!

I know it feels like your going g crazy, going to pass out, have a heart attack or one of the other million ways we think were going to die when he have anxiety attacks. or atleast I think that when I have them. But the good news is even the worst panic attack you have ever had, you survived.

Just the fact that we have this horrible issue and keep on fighting shows how strong we are!

Message me if you need to talk but I just wanted to tell you to keep fighting. This chemical imbalance will get better.

in reply to dom410

Thank you! Yes, for me it's definitely a chemical imbalance.

What cruel people ... not a clue by the sounds of it .. panic attacks/anxiety are vile frightening experiences .. I thought there was meant to me better training in this now ! I thought things were improving, knowledge was expanding in this .. obviously not ! .. my heart goes out to you .. I have been in your shoes many times .. the fear is crippling ! Don’t let these people pull you back .. and never ever feel ashamed .. pure humiliation !

in reply to

Thank you so much, it was a truly humiliating experience that will unfortunately stick with me for a long time.

I'm very sorry you had this experience. If your meds were messed up then dont feel bad you did do the right thing. Your Dr that percribes you vallium did you tell them that its not working? Sometimes if you are honest with them they will give you something that does work. I do get pianic attacks but tgey are not frequent but when they happen its terrible. A few years ago I was switched to a new Dr that flat out told me he was not going to give me valium for my anxiety. I tried norotin, buspar, hydroxizine and none of it helped. I then told the Dr i want to see someone else. I did and i explained all the antianxiey meds i was on and valium was the only one i got relief from. I broke down in tears and she prescribed me the medicine. It bothers me when people abuse these meds and people like us who dont abuse them cant get them. For the last 3 years i couldnt get valium again or anything like it until i saw my recent Dr. He perscribed me clonopin and i told him i was on that before bit it didnt really help me but it does way more than the other meds i tried. I guess my point is maybe find the right Dr to help you with your meds. Another question are you on an antidepressant? Sometimes those can help with anxiety. My depression is way more severe than my anxiety. I truly hope you can get on hood meds to help you fight this illness. Take care 💜💜

in reply to Believeinyourself123

I am on an antidepressant, Prozac 40 mg, and buspar 15 mg. My psychiatrist switched me back to xanax but I would like to taper off of it because I'm terrified of withdrawals. :( I'm so sorry about your depression, I am definitely a more anxious person. You take care as well. :)

Believeinyourself123 profile image
Believeinyourself123 in reply to

Aw ok. Well thats good you are on other meds. My anxiety has been up lately and i understand what that feels like. I understand withdraes too Effexor was the worst ever to come off of. That was back in juky when i was coming off of it. I was a mess my anxiety was terrible, not sleeping, crying refusely, dizzy. Ugh... so with this i understand your concern about withdrawls. Best wishes to you.

Wow, thank you for all of the support and for sharing your experiences! It's both sad and comforting that other people have gone through a similar thing.. I agree with all of you that mental health services need to be better. More emergency 24/7 mental health centers with actual funding. I am having so much trouble with my psychiatrist, therapist, and trying to get into an outpatient day program it's insane! At the ER they recommended I try something like that and so I called a million numbers and no one ever got back to me. :/ Sometimes I feel like all of these people are incompetent but I guess you have to go through something to truly understand it.

Dogdoo profile image
Dogdoo in reply to

I hope you can find a program, don't give up on that.

I did a 2 week outpatient program i February and was one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

I think i may go back next year, needed or not, for a tune up.

I got on meds and outpatient therapy after it ended and I'm doing quite well.

It sucks having to advocate for yourself when you're already feeling unwell.

Keep up the fight!

elainepstroud profile image

You poor thing. I understand where you are coming from as I also suffer like this. I find that the presence of my two dogs helps a lot although this is not a long term solution. Also the company of a range of friends. Gps etc do not really understand how the whole brain works. There is evidence that danage to certain brain parts can be the cause of such anxiety. The problem is we cant see that from the outside and people just see an hysterical, neurotic person. I have found really changing my diet and cutting out sugar, many carbs, no alcohol and eating more protein and vegs has helped me.

Houstongirl51 profile image

You need to find a Therapist or Psychiatrist who deals with Anxiety as I did and she is awesome I can call her anytime (and have done so) . They care and understand you and my regular Dr. actually told me she was glad I have decided to go to a Psychiatrist/Neurologist and explained to me that a regular Dr. is not trained a lot in Anxiety and Panic so they just give you (Medicines) to see if it works as a Psychiatrist is up to date with all the new medicines and also what causes your anxiety. Hope this helps

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