Hey guys have anyone ever had anxiety with taking medications . I’ve been having heart palpitations so I stop taking iron supplements. And today I woke up feeling horrible , so I want to take the iron but afraid . Of overdose or iron poisoning , or that it could be the cause of the palpitations. Idk. I know I need it because I’m anemic but just afraid .
Anxiety : Hey guys have anyone ever had... - Anxiety Support

Hi by your name I am assuming you just had a baby.
As you know, We are not allowed to give any medical advice here.
What I have read, is that women of child bearing years can normally take anything with iron in it without worry.
If by palpitations you mean, you can feel your heart, or if it is racing........
and based on the format of this forum, it normally turns out to be overstimulated nerves.
Either way, by your words alone, you can calm yourself down ( that looks so funny in writing for us anxiety sufferers).
SO, IT is OK to be afraid.
It is also OK, to trust that your doc did not offer you a pill that could put you in harms way.
Eating a steak probably has more iron in it than your little pill does.
Trust yourself to make beneficial choices for yourself.
BUT If you can't calm down call up your doc and let h/h help you understand what they gave you, how it works and why you will always be ok.
THese nights are hard on all of us who creep out, with any med, or food etc...
Anemia can cause heart palpitations, so getting your iron levels up should actually help. When was your last blood test to check your iron levels?
Lat week and it was still low. 8.9
Ok yep, you definitely need to try get it up. Do you eat much red meat or greens? Are you taking vitamin c with your tablet as well? (This helps the body actually take the iron in) you can speak with your dr if you feel your tablets aren’t making you feel well. But I’d say your palpitations are from your low iron and anxiety ❤️
My daughter has gotten more anxieties with the medications.... She stopped them all!! She will be seeing a natural path from Sydney Australia via Internet... Praying she gets better... I will keep you all post-it! Lots of prayers for you all.