So, I constantly think that I have breathing problems, and after thinking it, it gets hstarder. I know it's all in my head, but I cant stop it.
I am also in fear 99% of the time. I often feel like my family is after me. When outside, and I hear something in the woods beside where I am walking, I lowkey freak out and think it's an animal who's out to get me.
Not only that. I forget things in 2 sec. Was cooking dinner and forgot to turn off the plate under the frying pan. Thought it was foggy because I vaped inside, until my sister came and said it was still on. Ruined the frying pan. I had to defrost my fridge 1 week after moving in my apartment (alone), because I constantly forgot to close the freezer door.
My memories always feels like never actually happened, and it feels like a dream, including while writing this. Can't really remember what I wrote, lol