I’m in a constant state of anxiety, at all times over everything (still panic with it which is terrible) but the last few months I’ve been in a constant state of derealization, I used to get it here and there when my anxiety first started for a few hours, or a day or two, maybe a week at most but it’s been like this for months, non stop. Everything looks dim, I feel unreal, everything looks like a dream, I feel like I’m floating 99% of the time, some vertigo, and it’s scaring the hell out of me. Even when I don’t focus on it and I’m busy it’s there. Any advice?
Anyone else have derealization?: I’m in a... - Anxiety Support
Anyone else have derealization?
I have been feeling the exact same. Its crazy. Im on meds right now but im continuing going to doctors because i have physical symptoms as well. Its hard to say wether its anxiety related. Neurological or something else. Nothing seems to really help except for my benzos a bit.. its awful everyday. I cannot function.
It’s so scary! Everytime I get up I feel like I leave my body, and like I’m floating and gonna fall over, my eyes always feel like I have a gloss over them! I’m sorry you’re going through it too, it literally feels like no control over my body 😭
Have you seen any drs?
I have but I have a medication anxiety, I did try Prozac and it just made me sleep all the time, they all just tell me it’s me overthinking my anxiety, so pretty much they say it’s me causing it by thinking about it but I have 2 small kids, busy with them all day every day and it’s still there. I can be doing anything and it’s still there. I did realize when I’m in the light especially sunlight it’s worse for some reason
Yeah i feel the same, also have 2 kids lol. Im on zoloft right now and it doesnt really seem to help, also take ativan and that helps calm me down during panic attacks. For me its almost impossible to control at times which makes me think its a physical health related problem. So ill see as many drs as i can until they find something out, because i dont think this is "just anxiety"
Right! I tried explaining I literally never have time to think with kids lol I don’t focus on it but some days it’s literally debilitating and I tried Zoloft a long time ago and it helped take the edge off but I still freaked out and when I actually reached panic mode it was a longer panic attack then usual and so hard to turn off lol, I just don’t mix well with any medication 😭 I feel the same way but I’ve gotten a cat scan on my head and they said everything was great, sometimes I think it might be my sinuses or something amplifying it, because everything is always worse for me in the summer. I’ve googled it and there’s actually a big link in anxiety and derealization to sinus issues, I noticed if I take a Benadryl and non medical nasal spray it’s WAY less, still there but I feel more in control, and less spacey
Hey there. I used to have derealization and depersonalization 24/7 for months. I had a total of 4 bouts (6 months the first time, then 3 months or so the next few times). I genuinely thought I was becoming crazy. Went to see 3 different psychiatrists because I didn't believe the first two when they said "it's only stress/anxiety"...
Every time it lifted when I stopped being freaked out 24/7 by the symptoms. Once I restarted living pretty normally (doing sports, going out with friends, basically distracting my mind as much as possible), it started lifting and within few months I was back to normal. I know it's hell but you have to try to live normally and little by little without even you realizing it, it will lift. Good luck to you
Thank you for the positivity 😊 makes me feel like there is an end to this horror 😭 I’m glad you got out of it ❤️
Trust me you can/will get out of it. I'm recently back into this hell right now because my "best friend" (not anymore) thought it would be fun to put some marijuana into my food... Worst joke ever as I dissociated instantly, got multiple panic attacks and of course derealization came right back after years of begin perfectly normal. I know how scary it is (it's scary every time!) but know that there is a way out and it's by living your life as you were 100% normal. "You can't think your way out of derealization/depersonalization". No thinking, restart living