Anyone get ectopic heartbeats/PVCs all the time? Even when they aren’t anxious? Is this generalized anxiety symptom
Ectopic beats : Anyone get ectopic... - Anxiety Support
Ectopic beats

Yes! I struggle daily with them.
Yup! These are new for me this year. Some days worse than others. The days they’re constant it puts me in panic all day which in turn makes it worse. I despise them but have been checked head to toe and they’re harmless! I have been taking magnesium and it has helped tremendously
How long after you started taking magnesium did you feel better? Are you on any other meds? I get the fast heart beat and skipped beats and it’s torture..
I’ve been on Prozac and metoprolol for years, but the beats settled down very quickly with the magnesium like a couple days! I get the skipped beat that makes me cough then the double hard beat after that. They’re absolute torture but they’re safe and normal and eventually will settle down
So it’s ok to take magnesium with other meds??? Does it help you feel calm..
Oh yes I take tons of vitamins along with my usual meds. I haven’t noticed it’s helped me feel calm, I’m in such a panic rut right now nothing helps anymore I feel... BUT it has helped my PVCs tremendously
Yes I get them all the time and short little runs of svt actually I’m having them right now and it makes me wanna crawl outta my skin!!! Mine happen more frequently when I’m stressed, tired, have had a lot of caffeine and I swear like every night when I lay down to sleep!!! They drive me nuts
I’m also in the same boat, I’ve had all test done as well and all came back normal. Still get the random hard thud,the pause you name it. I can be just sitting down completely calm and BAM! I could make a sudden move and BAM! I mean they happen on all sorts of time that I can’t pin point a trigger. I was put on metoprolol 25mg twice a day and it haven’t helped. I have a brand new bottle of magnesium glycerine but scarf to mix with my meds.
What happens to the body if you take to much magnesium? I get lots of skipped beats they are horrible and increase my anxiety to overdrive