Sooo, as everyone knows I’ve been posting about my calf hurting. It’s been swelling and today my mother told me to go to the ER to get it checked. Well, here I am. Crying, heart rate of 130, and terrified. Somebody to chat with would be nice. I’m very afraid and worried.
Hospital: Sooo, as everyone knows I’ve been... - Anxiety Support

How are you feeling now, have you been seen?
So sorry !! How are things now ?
anon99 if you are still in the ER as the nurse for a chaplain on call.They he/she can help you too calm down.that is their training. If it is not body cause good luck
I’m so sorry that you felt you needed to go to the ER for this. Hopefully you are not at a huge hospital with crazy wait times.. during my 20 plus years with anxiety panic disorder and health anxiety I have had several bouts of calf and leg cramps. Being in the medical/ mental health field I could always either talk myself out of the blood clot thing as there are signs and symptoms. Also when we are anxious our body is dumping epinephrine into our blood stream which can cause leg cramps. I hope you get the reassurance that you are ok . Also if you are so anxious and crying you can ask your nurse for something for anxiety. We usually give 2mg of Ativan or 10 mg of Valium by mouth or via IV if they start you on one. Please let us know how it works out for you❤️
Just wanted to update, I’m home in bed now. My ultra sound came back negative for DVT. My leg still hurts but now my mind is running into what else it could be.
Hi anon99, I'm glad the outcome was negative for a DVT. The leg may hurt for a little
while because you more likely were walking different when you first put that thought in
your mind. I had this happen to me and know how powerful the mind can be. Try
relaxing if you can but more than that you need to reverse your negativity into a more
positive one. Feel better soon xx
Well it is most likely a muscle cramp and the more we think about it the more afraid we become. Just try to think... this is a feeling you are having, it’s not a fact that anything is wrong. Stay off of webmd and other medical sites as all they will do is contribute to “what if “ thinking. Be well try to rest
Great that DVT was ruled out. I assume all your blood chemistries were good as well?
Follow up with your primary doc. Sounds like you should be ok
You ok was it a blood clot? And i have alot of same issues anxiety depression panic attacks ima a mess lol. You ever need to talk i will talk i feel the same way alot.. Hope you are feeling better.