It’s one of my great grandsons 2nd birthday tomorrow but they’re just having a family gathering this afternoon. It means getting 2 buses there which I haven’t done as yet, but they live on the 7th floor and I don’t do lifts. Way back when they first moved there I used to walk slowly up the stairs which Id have to do again, as no way am I getting in the lift thank you very much 😐 I said I’d let them know later so am feeling a little shaky and uneasy this morning as to what to do. Should I just go and not think about it too much as it’s only for a couple of hours? I wish one of them lived nearer me so I could go on the bus with them but they don’t, so........ IF I do go will there be anyone around when I’m on my way as 2 buses will be a big thing for me and it’ll take me about an hour. Other option is a cab but they don’t really come cheap for that distance.
Big decision for me: It’s one of my great... - Anxiety Support
Big decision for me

Sometimes u have to grin and bear it, push yourself.
I know it will be hard but do it for your grandchild
I am Tony, made it halfway just got on 2nd bus now 😐
This is the part of the journey I haven’t done in a very long time, and the lifts though is sooner take half hour waking slowly up the stairs 🙄 they’re very small lifts and I didn t like them before so this time they’re a definite no
What is inside you is greater than what is in this world. Weather it be buses, people, stairs, your strength that you have inside is greater than any of these. Don't let fear stand in the way of the love you have for your family. Just breathing techniques, breath deep in through your nose and slowly out of your mouth, steps you can take to get you through the anxiety. When riding the buses, think about positive happy thoughts to get your mind off of what the worry is and the fear of things that may never happen. Pray and believe that Christ is with you and he will give you the strength, comfort, peace and His loving Grace to get to your family. 1st John 4:4, " Greater is he that is in you, than that is in this world." When all your strength seems gone, God will be your strength, praying you get to celebrate this special day with your great grandson. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! It seems you have done this before. So go and enjoy your family.
I hope you’re super proud of yourself because you’ve just pushed yourself out of your comfort zone, your granddaughter will be so pleased x
Yes go for it!!