When on days i'm too much stressed and anxiety is kicking i feel like this nearly passing out and that only for about a few seconds but i don't really passout and that's like when i'm away from home or hanging outside and it happens out of the blue, do any of you ever feel like that?
Help please anxiety symptom or not? - Anxiety Support
Help please anxiety symptom or not?

Hamiddkhnn, it is a very common symptom of anxiety to get insecure when we
are out of our safety zone. It comes on suddenly when we least expect it because
the subconscious mind is forever replaying that fear. You are not going to pass out.
What happens is that the moment we sense that fear, the adrenaline starts to
escalate and we begin to shallow breathe making it worse. You are okay. You are safe. x
Its like even when i'm distracted it happens and yeah in subconscious mind i'm anxious and i don't think i shallow breath or maybe i never notice it or when i'm sitting at home alone in the room it happens.
We might not even realize that we are shallow breathing or even holding our breath.
Even when sitting in the privacy of our own home, our nervous system is still
over-sensitized. It doesn't take more than a sound, a smell, a word we hear that
will bring on a scared or panic feeling. Most symptoms from anxiety come from
a psychological reason and not physical. Except for being dehydrated which can
cause numerous symptoms to occur. From lightheadedness, to heart palps to
muscle spasms etc.
my symptoms are from physical cause....I think it may be hormones in my case.....but low cortisol seems to cause panic attacks....I was having them so bad every day....if i just stepped outside my home I would start racing heart and panic...but now that I take Hydrocortisone every day....my reactions are almost back to normal unless I am in extreme stress.....
Hi Bunny, I have heard that Hydrocortisone has made many anxious people
feel back to normal again. How long will you be on it? Whatever the symptoms
are from, it doesn't hurt to find additional ways to calm your extreme stress.
Natural ways to calm your mind and body. It will help with the racing heart and
panic as well. xx