I Didn’t have a bad night, had a horrible dream though just before I woke up, this morning I’ve been a bit shaky and anxious, got that odd cold sensation back of my neck and shoulders, could be the dream upset me possibly? I can get shaky in the mornings often anyway mainly my arms. What is it with mornings, they used to always be my good times now it seems it takes me ages to get past a certain time
Unpleasant dream: I Didn’t have a bad night... - Anxiety Support
Unpleasant dream

Your certainly not alone, my anxiety is worse in the morning.
I wonder why. I think sometimes it can be apprehension of the day ahead not always knowing what to do. My problem has always been staying in even when the days when I felt I couldn’t go out I wanted to just go somewhere....anywhere, as long as I wasn’t indoors, and if I’ve been somewhere it doesn’t make the day go slow. I’ve Not always been able to do it which is why now I try to as much as possible. I’ve already changed once, lol asit feels a bit cooler today than yesterday.
I have very vivid dreams which l like while on antidepressants. Very rarely nightmares but not nice when I get them as they are so vivid.
Mornings still not brilliant for me even though I have recovered in all other respects. Breathlessness seems to be finally going but I will not hold my breath. Excuse the pun.
Mornings were my best time also.
I think it is the spike of cortisol and the antidepressant wearing off because I take them in the morning early as soon as I have eaten. Are you taking yours in the morning rather than night time and do you make sure you eat plenty first because if you don't you are likely to get nausea when you take them Iforgot to mention that before but usually your doctor tells you.
Have a good day.
Isn’t it strange how it works, and the breathlessness, I feel I’ve just walked up Mount Everest sometimes. I take mine at 10am after breakfast. I Only have a cereals though apart from
The morning I had bacon and a scrambled eggs.
Which I have t had since.
that’s around the time I first started taking them
so I stuck to it. No my doctor didn’t tell me that. She probably didn’t because she knows I didn’t want to take them in the first place. Thanks Kim, just sitting here wondering what to do today, it definitely is a lot chillier than yesterday though
Sam xx
I have just been to the dentist. Yuk. I am now sitting having a pot of tea in a beautiful garden Ihave season ticket for.
I had a wonderful day yesterday with my sister in law talking about our kids over lunch and then doing a new Riverside walk I found on the internet. I often walk alone as well, fast walking wherever you go for about an hour if you can manage it is really good for you. The antidepressants will go you I am sure.I only have cereal too.