So I’ve been fine all day, went out for a meal and after this meal about half a hour later I was drinking some water and then it felt like I’ve got something stuck at the back of my throat and I couldn’t swallow. It’s still there now but got a bit better but now it’s made me super anxious and my heart is now racing and hasn’t stopped yet as I know I’m still worrying about this feeling I’ve got in my throat. I don’t know what it is trying to be logical and think maybe it’s acid reflux or tonsil stones.
Feels like I’ve got something stuck at the... - Anxiety Support
Feels like I’ve got something stuck at the back of my throat

You're probably experiencing the globus sensation. See if this sounds like what's going on:
Hi Kelly ,
I have a huge fear of chocking Or having something stuck on my throat !
Sometimes after I eat something , I have the feeling that something is stuck ! My imagination will make up horrible stories .
Hang in there , you are ok !
Is this the first time you feel like that ?
I also have a fear of choking so I take ages to eat and chew and chew and swallow small bits for that reason. I think that came from a local story about a women choking and dying near me which made me worry about that.
I am the same as you ! ☹️
I read stories and it stays with me ! This has happened a lot so now I don’t watch the news , I don’t do social media and I try not to read weird things when I am searching something online .
Of course I still catch myself reading stories and then I become paralyzed with fear . The internet is a rabbit hole 🕳!
Take a deep breath , you are ok !! ❤️
It can help to eat a soft piece of bread, if something sticks in he back of your throat. I did this the other day with a piece of raw celery which was too big. I hadn't chewed it properly and had to eat some bread to help it down. A bit of vinegar, mixed with water, into a solution, or lemon juice with water and honey can help if swallowed to melt the food.
If it's a fish bone - that's different - vinegar in a solution can help - if it felt better when a few minutes later, that's a good sign. If it still feels sensitive then, taking a paracetomol may help. Gargling can help, with cold water or even with a drop of tcp, to clear your throat. There are throat sweets which have a local anaesthetic which can take the pain away. To help with your nerves take an ice cube put it in a cloth and apply it to the side of your face. This activates the ventral nerve which helps your anxiety. You an splash cold water on your face and it may help - it did help me and my granddaughter.
I used to have this feeling a lot and sometimes still do, I have been able to tell myself after years to shut up, if you are able to swallow and keep your own secretions down and water, your airway is okay!!! That calms me a bit, sometimes it can even be some sinus drainage dripping down your throats that you don't even know, I would also try an allergy pill or mucinex which would usually help, then again idk if it was all in my head or really the allergies! I know it's so annoying, but if you can swallow and talk, you're not choking! That eases my mind a bit!
Whatever it is, it isn’t serious! It’s probably either anxiety or it could be tonsil stones. I had one once and honestly it caused anxiety cuz I thought I was having an allergic reaction?? It came up in time and omg ew they smell LOL. You’re ok!! How are you now?

I’m feeling ok had a little bit of something in my throat when I woke up but it has since cleared. I’ve eaten breakfast normally so hoping it was just a one off. Thank you.
I used to get this alot i still do sometimes ,im pretty sure its to do with reflux ,try and relax your throat and chew gum that really helps xx
Were you drinking something cold when this first occurred? I have globus & a ENT doctor told me to drink warm(ed) fluids. This may be because it was affecting my voice at times. I sleep with a foam wedge at the head of my bed too.
Hiya, it sounds like Globus sensation, I suffer with it and have had ent apps to check and Dr apps, i no it's difficult to ignore especially on a night time, I use 2 pillows (I can't lay flat anymore due to this) I also have water which comforts me as I no if you can swallow water then your air way is clear, yogurts ice creams help. My ent didn't recommend chewing gum as your swallowing more air. Most importantly trying to relax again I no it's difficult, I hope it calms down for you
I had the same problems for months until it was diagnosed. I think you have GERD. This happens because the acid in your stomach is backing up into your esophagus and your esophagus is not designed to take stomach acid. This causes your esophagus to swell making food harder to go down. Your esophagus muscle reflex of pushing food down your throat, It sort of forces food down your throat and because of the resistance sometimes it feels like the food is still stuck there. Many times I was rushed to the ER and given an x ray and nothing was found there.
I have a similar problem at night when trying to fall asleep. It feels like my throat is closing and I can't breath