Feeling fine , but just getting creeping thoughts wheather is it anxiety ir somethin else , getting numb arms, muscle twitches, and in my mind it could be something bad like MS, ALS etc..but i try not to overthink it , i also fear saying this will make it come true, i really feel like im messed up
Health anxious but all good: Feeling fine... - Anxiety Support
Health anxious but all good

I have many years experience to tell you that
IF you have to ask yourself, IS this Anxiety or maybe it's really something...........
ALWAYS, assume it is Anxiety......
if there is something " really wrong" you will NEVER have to ask yourself this question. NEVER.
Hi Kevin
It will not be MS or any other illnesses apart from anxiety.
IJoe made a good point about your superstitions, just try to relax and believe what he was saying.
You will be fine.
Your exams are over for a month so your mind is looking for something else to worry about.
Just chill
Hi, it’s absolutely anxiety, but it’s anxiety manifesting itself physically. I had the same thing with numbness in my arms, muscle pain in my shoulders. I saw my general practitioner, who knew about my anxiety issues. After looking me over he said that I was so stressed I was hunching my shoulders up and tightening my muscles to the point I was pinching nerves in my neck and that was causing pain and numbness in my arms and fingers. Sort of like sciatica for the upper body.
But most importantly, my father has MS, so my doctor knows to look for any of those symptoms in me. This was at a point years ago when my anxiety was untreated and I was really stressed. After being medicated for a while the pains went away, and no MS!
Anxiety is your mind, but it will find ways to physically manifest in your body, which then in turn feeds the anxiety in your mind, feeding the pains in your body- vicious cycle. Try saying “that’s just anxiety” the next time you start to feel that surge of worry over some pain or sensation.
That made me feel a lot better, thanks for the advice and support, ❤️❤️
That’s what I like about this page, talking to people makes it so much better. It puts things in perspective and at a “real” level, not a mental level, and allows you to compare other peoples experiences to yourself and say, “wow I’m not alone, and if other people feel this and have survived, I can too”. Anxiety can be very isolating, and living in your head too much is not a good thing! Talk to people here when you are scared, someone will always understand.