Had a horrible panic attack about a month ago and that went away and I don’t feel anxiety or panic no more but now I’m dealing with pulsating sensations inside my head and extreme dizziness with the feeling of like I’m on a boat. The only relief I get is really when I’m driving in a vehicle or for five minutes here and there... I really don’t feel anxiety or panic no more but now what do I do for this wave I’m on????
Motion like I’m on a boat... except while ... - Anxiety Support
Motion like I’m on a boat... except while driving... plus I have tight pulsating feeling in my head!!! Dealing with this 1 month aft Anx att

I have this exact same issue, had it for over 5 weeks now, still having tests as nothing obvious doctor said, i do have an head MRI booked in later in month, it is a horrible sensation and strange it goes whilst driving i could drive all day and feel normal but as soon as I stop it's back.
Hi MCade702, what you are feeling is the same thing I use to feel at one time.
You may not be feeling anxious or panicky anymore, however your subconscious
mind has recorded the horrible panic attack you had a month ago and keeps
playing it over and over making you feel an uneasiness. This produces the feeling
like you are in a boat or on a trampoline. The floor under you seems to be swaying or
sinking when you walk. The reason you don't feel it when you drive is because you
are distracted from the sensation. (In other words, you are grounded)
The tight pulsating feeling in your head may have to do with the muscles in your
face and head. When we are tense, the muscles tighten to the point of pulsating
from the tightness. There are several things that can be done when this happens.
First is hydration. Drinking plenty of water during the day will help the muscles function
better. Secondly, getting those muscles to relax is all important. Using relaxation or
meditation and deep breathing (with practice) can help lower the pressure in your head
causing the tightness and pulsating.
Deep breathing and exhaling slowly can help the muscles in your neck and shoulders to
relax as well. You'll know when you are doing it correctly when your shoulders come down
away from your ears. I use to experience these sensations as well as a fullness feeling in
both my head and ears. Because we are not doctors and I can only go by my own
experiences, it is always in your best interest to have this issue checked out by your doctor. It's going to be okay. Let us know what your doctor says. My best to you x
What an amazing reply agora.
My neck muscles are always so tight and sore.i swear that doesn’t help with my constant lightheadedness.
I hope you are okay and have a lovely weekend xxxx
You are a sweetheart Minnie. Those neck and upper shoulder muscles can throw
our whole balance off and make us feel what I call, "dizzyheaded"... Keep practicing
and doing your deep breathing. It will help you.
Make it an amazing weekend and don't forget to be kind to yourself. You deserve it :)xx
Oh wow really?
The deep breathing has been fantastic.as I said to you before,I was constantly holding my breath and now I breath much more deeply.
Hope you have an amazing weekend and I think it’s Mother’s Day in America so I hope you have a lovely Sunday 💞💞 xxxxx