Hey peeps!
So, I’m starting to feel more like “me”. Still feel the effects. Right now, I’m feeling more present than I have been, but still a little spacey, a little tired... I had a dizzy spell for 15 mins earlier.
I’m anxious to start making money again so I can save up for the summer, but got anxiety because I really don’t know if I should go back to NYC. My roommate asked me about signing the lease.. I paid rent this month but haven’t been there since late March.
The people at work are showing care but I’m so nervous my panic will be paralyzing again. I really can’t deal with some personalities there, but I’ve stuck through it before. Our landlord is like.. totally unpredictable and can be so extreme. I just don’t know if being in a city I already feel lonely in is a good idea but now that my health anxiety is subsiding, I’m missing my routine.. the gym, going to thrift shops, my studio.. I want all the things I wanted to happen to still happen (people are hitting me up to play shows again, which is great, and I got signed onto a few more sound for film gigs, and I want to get back into extra acting..). I want to be the person I was when my boyfriend met me. I need to really face my fears.. ugh.
But I miss Boston! Maybe I’ll do the summer in NY, ask for a schedule change (this contributed to the stress.. I work late nights and weekends and have like no life), and hope for the best. I’m not sure.. I need to decide soon. What do you guys think?