Hi, when trying to sleep, it seems like I keep getting an adrenaline rush just as I'm about to fall asleep which makes me feel weird it's hard to explain the sensation almost floaty and out of body, sometimes feels like my heart isn't beating other times that it's beating to fast.
Weird sensation when falling to sleep - Anxiety Support
Weird sensation when falling to sleep

You might be having what's called a 'hypnic jerk'. I've had similar experiences and came across this thing while Googling around about it. It is likely harmless, though very annoying.
Thanks for the reply, yes it's very annoying it's happened about 5 nights now in the last 12 days and it happens about 8 times in them nights when ever I try to sleep it happens so I just find myself lying there awake, one night I only got about 1 hour of sleep, did you find anything that helps or did it just go away? Thanks
It only happens occasionally for me. I'm wondering if you're doing anything in the eventing that winds you up before bed?
I used to get it occasionally where I'd jump awake sounds like the hypnic jerk you said, this now is the same kind of sensation but without the jerk awake and I can't see anything that I do that could affect it I've had the same routine for as long as I can remember
I'm wondering if a hot bath or shower before bed might help. Sorry that you're dealing with this.
I always have a shower before bed, just can't seem to pin point the cause of this I have been feeling more on edge recently like I have a lot of adrenaline flowing through me all the time but by the time I get in bed I'm normally more calm or at least I think I am, maybe my subconscious isn't that calm, thank you.
I've noticed that if my adrenaline is up during the evening (meaning, I'm anxious), I tend to wake up about two hours after falling asleep with a wet pillow from sweating. Probably a similar cause to what you're experiencing with a different manifestation.
Hello lee1988
I get the same way every night I might have one night where I don’t get this if I’m lucky it’s horrible it’s like I feel like I’m sinking floating or on a rocking boat sometimes I feel like my heart beat it’s literally stopping and sometimes makes me gasps for air been going on months now I kind of learned to except it but I do have my moments where I do panic especially when I feel like i have no heart beat and my body feels weird so hard to explain but I know what ur going through I bought some aromatherapy sleep lotions from bath and body works and actually been helping me i still get them but doesn’t last as long I hope u find something that works for u before bed I found nature and waterfall sounds help me too
Hi Stephanie,
Thank you for the reply, you've just explained exactly what happens to me, when I'm drifting off I start to feel like I'm sinking/dizzy/floaty, my chest feels weird, it is hard to explain, it takes me ages to actually get to sleep because when it happens it starts up my anxiety so then it wakes me up again for a little bit, but then when I try to sleep again it happens again, happened about 8 times last night, i don't get it every night but it's happened about 5 times in the last 2 weeks
Your welcome I know exactly what ur going through and I been dealing with this since last August
It’s a crazy scary exhausting feeling when all u want to do is sleep I do recommend some kind of sleep lotions or body wash before bed and also to clear ur mind and tell urself ur ok this will pass even tho I get them everyday night before I wouldn’t fall asleep until 4 or 5 now it only takes me about 30 mins I hope u do find some relief anxiety is really crazy and make u feel all sorts of things
I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with this since August, I wasn't able to get sleep till around 8:30 this morning it was ridiculous.
I've suffered with social anxiety since I was around 14, I'm 30 now, I've never really had health anxiety since this started now I can't help but think their is something wrong with me, I've had numerous tests done at hospital/doctors and everything has come back normal except I had slightly low folate which I'm on medication for now, so I know it's probably all in my head but it's so frustrating knowing that my mind can cause all these physical symptoms that I seem to be having recently.
Oh my good that’s longer than me I been dealing with severe anxiety since last January kind of happened from one day to the next I’m 29 and it’s horrible how quickly this can take over ur life and the physical symptoms that can resemble something horrific happening with ur body lately I been getting numbness in my face area and arms and I try not to let my anxiety make me think it a heart attack or stroke it’s very difficult to live like this I hope one day I get my life back we both do
Yeah I've learnt to deal with my social anxiety, I was quite happy just doing my own thing in my own space, but now with this I kind of feel trapped and I know what you mean with the numbness, I've had it in my legs and arms, plus my face and mouth numbness that goes to pins in needles, the way I try and look at it is, if it was something serious something more would of happened by now but that still doesn't help atm when I'm getting symptoms like this driving me crazy just got to try and cope with it, yes hopefully this can resolve itself someday soon for us both, are you seeking any professional help?
It literally hit me like a train out of no where from one day to the next my life did a complete 360 and I’m getting down the the bottom of where it started and how it got so bad
I to feel trapped with no escape as crazy as it sounds sometimes I give up and just think to myself this is my life but then the memories of how amazing my life was before all this gives me hope I can have a much more better life
Yes I currently am seeing a therapist every week and I might start my medication again but I really don’t want to
Are u seeking any help?
Yeah it can easily spiral out of control, that's the best way to look at it things can only get better and with time hopefully things will return to how they were.
Yeah I feel trapped now, I used to when my social anxiety was at it worse but it did improve but with all these new symptoms it's made me feel trapped again.
That's good that your seeking help I also see a therapist but not about these new symptoms I'm suffering from and I try to stay away from medication as best I can don't want to become dependent on anything, I've started taking calms I'm not really sure if they help though they seem to take the edge off a little bit but I don't know of that's just my mind thinking they do
Yes it is crazy to how fast these symptoms can develop from one day to the next or in a matter of seconds i know I will be happy again for my kids i have to be and because I’m a person who truly enjoys life and I haven’t for over a year and half feeling like I’m losing who I am
I feel the more I talk about it makes me feel better u should definitely tell me ur therapist these new symptoms and I’m hoping to get out of my situation soon because it’s causing me so much anxiety and stress
I find that nature sounds and waterfall help me I’m going to try meditation tomorrow at an actually place because i myself don’t want to take medication and become dependent on it
I'm sure you'll be able to be happy again it's just a matter of time
Yeah I'll definitely mention to them next time I go, I only go once a month now but I might ask to be seen more regular now I have this going on aswell.
If you ever need to talk about things I'm always here to listen
Thank you
I’m here to if u need anyone to talk to I know how it’s feels
And I definitely would go more regularly I go every week because my anxiety is severe but hope to go at least two times a week
Just got to get into an environment I like and everything and I know I will be ok 😁
No problem and thanks.
Yeah it's good to talk to people who have the same kind of symptoms, well it's not good I don't want anyone to feel like this but you know what I mean
Yeah definitely you need to feel comfortable and enjoy your environment, it helps a lot with your mental state
I've been feeling floaty all day, do you ever feel like that?
Yes I know exactly how it feels it gives me a sense of me not losing my mind because that’s sometimes how I feel when all these crazy symptoms appear one after the other
And yes I definitely believe and where I’m at is negative and very stressful
Yes I feel like that a lot most of the time and currently feel like that sometimes like I’m dreaming like here but not here kinda hard to explain but maybe u understand
I just want to be able to enjoy life and work sgainn
Yeah I know what you mean, it's helped talking to you today.
I hope you can sort your environment out soon, extra stress and negativity won't be helping.
I totally understand what you mean it's a weird feeling to have, it's like your not in control, head feels heavy of you know what I mean.
Hopefully I want to do that as well.
Thank you talking to u had helped a lot today was feeling really unwell today but having someone that understand makes u feel a little more better
And I am moving soon first week of June really looking forward to it
Yes it is and definitely feels like u have no control over ur body it’s horrible but I’m looking at different ways to help me cope
And I believe we will be happy again and have a better life
Possible sleep paralysis?
It happens a lot...I hate this stuff
I've been suffering the same thing on an off the past few months. I've come to learn it is a vitamin deficiency, particularly B12 for me. It is helpful to get bloodwork done with a knowledgeable doctor as all the symptoms, tingling in feet and hands/numbness in face and fingers are all symptoms of sever b12 deficiency. It is incredibly important to address it as early as possible as some of the more sever symptoms can really be life altering. It's also important to recognize that without the proper minerals the body can't absorb vitamins. It's a lot to take on to learn and understand but i highly recommend authentic shilajit as a mineral source/soaking pink himalayan salt in water. (one spoonful of the water each morning)*must be with a spoon NOT made of metal. Hope this helps, much love to yall.