I posted earlier about a headache I had, now I can't stop thinking that I'm going to have a seizure or a stroke or something catastrophic. I know there could be hundreds of reasons why I could be having a headache, but I always think that I'm going to be the ONE person to have the most serious side effect of my medication (Lexapro). considering heading to the ER if I feel any worse than I do now, even though I know I'm probably okay...
health anxiety getting the best of me yet ... - Anxiety Support
health anxiety getting the best of me yet again

Even though what you are feeling now seems very scary and real, you are going to be ok. You are just having a panic attack you will make it through this. It will be hard try to take some breaths you will be ok and it will peak and you will feel better in 15 mins this will be over and you will start to feel better
I find the best thing for health anxiety is to accept it. As in if something is going to happen, it's going to happen and there's no reason to overthink it. If you have a seizure, someone will call an ambulance, they'll give you an anti-convulsant, and then you handle it after. My wife is a nurse and this is what she tells me often....whatever happens is going to happen. She'll usually tell me to just make a plan. Have someone call and check on you or if you have family around, let them know you aren't feeling well. If you appear to be getting worse or ask for help, the option is there.
Headaches are very common with antidepressants as they take their time working. The odds, like you said, fairly low. I know all of this is easier said than done. Have you taken a pain reliever like an NSAID, Tylenol, or tried hydrating/rest? If it goes away, you'll have your answer. I literally was worried about seizing up the past weekend as I was out of a medication and didn't want to be heading into withdrawal. I, too, was ready to go an emergency room...feeling like every symptom in the book was happening. I sat down, watched a comforting TV program, drank some water....and I never seized. Sometimes we just need to trust the process.
The panic and anxiety can also cause a headache. It's awful and I'm sorry that you're dealing with this. Kkat's advice as to breathing, letting the attack come and go, is great advice. Our anxiety sends the nervous system on overdrive cranking out every thought as legit threat. The threat in turn translates into anxiety and our system does what it thinks it needs to do. I think if you try to focus on something else, you'll be better off.
That all said, my wife also said if you're ever in doubt, just go. You aren't stupid, foolish, or a sad case if you go. They should understand what you're dealing with. They deal with anxiety and panic attacks a lot. It's better to know for sure than to not know and suffer. I would say if you go, make sure you get the testing done that you need to clear your mind of any doubts. Take the information, assuming the high odds is they will be good, and put faith in them. Make sure to ask questions...maybe some warning signs in terms of things you worry about. Like, "I'm afraid of Lexapro possibly causing a seizure, what can I expect to feel so I can get adequate timely care? Is there any way to tell the difference between anxiety and [insert assumed ailment]? That's the best you can do.
I'm sorry to hear of everything and hope the headache subsides. Medications can cause so many common issues that fit under so many scopes of "problems". As you said, it's likely all normal, so see if you can beat your thoughts with rational common sense. If you can't, you have a Plan B to get help. Best of luck and I hope all turns out well; take care!

Wow, thank you so much for your response! I do feel better after unwinding from my day a bit more, and your response was also very comforting.
Anytime at all and I'm glad you're feeling better! Sometimes the day is enough to give us a headache.
Hi honey
I've been where you are in fact I still am I've had a headache for almost 2 weeks now last week I had a cold so put my headache down to sinus blockage this week it's even stronger but I'm my own worst enemy believe me I'm suppose to wear my glasses but dont I'm always on my phone or iPad or reading my kindle it's my own fault I know it and I even went to walk in emergency centre and was told to take paracetamol and ibuprofen together I felt stupid as I know it's nothing but having health anxiety isn't.....its horrible it's our minds playing huge tricks on us and the ",what if's and reassurance kicks into gear it's pure fear what we experience..mine started when my mum sadly died of cancer 12 years ago so my health anxiety has zoomed through the roof..I head to the hospital and I get reassured and relieved then I think what if they've missed something...its horrible I know...but know your not alone we all know what you are going through it sucks big time I know here you need to chat
Nat x
Thanks Nat for your response, I also feel the need to be constantly reassured by doctors than shortly after start to worry if they've missed something... this forum has been super helpful and supportive for me so far! thanks again for your support, I really appreciate it!