I need help
New to this so hello everyone I'm struggling right now
I have generally no way to really start this but I was a young carer for my mum and dad at 11 I then lost my mum and dad when I was 21 and 22 in a short space of time I had a one year old at the time of this fell into huge debts and got pregnant with my 2nd the dad is in the picture but isn't at all sympathetic just tells me to get used to it I worked 12 he shifts for 3 years then my eldest son got diognosis of ADHD and my 2 now 2 year old is terrible two I suffer with OCD of thoughts and depress and anxiety anyway but latley I feel so low like I'm worth nothing I have nothing my children are really hard and I have a feeling they hate me and I try my best to give them everything I've tried breavment counceling but she couldn't get threw to me she said that I wouldn't open up and blamed myself for everything which I do all the time and then I have medication they keep swapping as none help or make me I'll I'm reaching a point where I don't know what to do anymore I love my children they are what I live for so of course I wouldn't do anything like suicide Asni can't do that to them after losing my mum like that and my dad threw heartbreak all i ever wanted was a happy family like I had and to be loved and my kids to have a happy life but I'm so angry and emotional at the world please any advice will help I hope I don't sound crazy and I'm sorry if I do please don't judge I wish I had my mum and dad right now they would no what to do I feel so alone