I've always been that person who gets any kind of pain and I'm scared I have a horrible disease and I'm going to die. Recently I've been getting horrible dizzy spells (I mean BAD). I've had anxiety for a long time and i was professionally diagnosed but i have never had any sort of dizziness with it. It's been about 2 weeks and it's been nothing but dizziness and feeling spaced out. And in the recent two days I've been getting these chest pains in my left side with pains going down my arm and jaw and of course I've thought for 2 straight days I've been having a heart attack. I cant even sleep now. Its 4am and I'm breathing heavy to feel for pains and every time I try to drift off my heart thumps like crazy and I jolt awake with chest pains. I understand that I'm a hypochondriac and stuff and I could get into a million other things that scare me about my health but this is what is bothering me right now and I'm not sure what to do so I thought I'd write about it here. :/
Health anxiety: I've always been that person... - Anxiety Support
Health anxiety

Hello Kennyboyo, I too can relate to this. However , the symptoms your describing will probably be worse when your anxiety is elevated. Try to do regular breathing exercises and reduce your fight or flight response. Pain signals a combat mode and the combat mode signals Adrenalin.
Breathe 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,8,9 and hold 1,2,3,4 and breathe out 9,8,7,6,5.4,3,2,1, and repeat for around 5-10 minutes. Do this regular when your body feel threatened or you feel pain. The nervous system is very complex and if you’ve been diagnosed as fit and well but with anxiety you’ll need to try to switch off and reduce the stress response as much as you can. You’ll notice a improvement in each sysnptom over time but unfortunately once one had gone you’ll tend to get another.
Kenny i had to look and make sure this wasnt my post u are having the same exact symptoms as me its like ur my health Twin!!!! Of i got so scared I've been to a cardiologists 3xs and have got multiple ekgs, chest xrays, and echocardiography, 24hr heart monitoring at home and ive had a stress test which all came back normal ive been told multiple times my heart looks great! I go to the emergency room so much they know me by heart when i come in ughhhh! I suffer from anxiety disorder, acid reflux and anemia (iron deficiency) other than that im always been told im in great shape but everytime i look up i have chest aches that go to my left arm as well sometimes my hands even get numb and i panick!!! I have a blood pressure cuff at home and a oximeter and everytime i feel funny im always checking myself or ready to call an ambulance smh!!! But they always tell me its my anxiety acting up!!😣 and for the past few weeks ive been feel like im not really here and fuzzed out i have dizzy spells on and off as well sometimes thru the whole day and i feel as if im floating when im walking or as soon as i get outta breath i swear i have a lung disease or a heart problem or im constantly thinking what if the doctors didnt check me good and misdiagnosed me and then i panick some more !!!! So ur not alone in this fight
I'm going to end up going to the doctors to get tests and stuff to actually see, but I know from experience that that will never take away my anxiety about the situation. I also have acid reflux smh 😤 I'm also thinking I might have anemia from something I've already been diagnosed with. I'm truly hoping everything is alright. You're also not alone
I am experiencing exactly the same...started with central chest discomfort which I’ve had for a week. ECGs, bloods, blood pressure, chest X-ray all normal and yet I feel horrendous. Had repeat checks at Dr - again normal. I have on / off headache, dizzy, body feels heavy - the more I think about it the worse I feel to being in complete panic and about to call ambulance. Keep asking myself is it anxiety or an illness! And when will it let up!
Utterly understand your worry. Every little thing I constantly worry over. I get the unbalanced feelings very often.
Recently I had a similar episode. It is important that you go to the doctor for an EKG to rule out heart issues. I had one done at an urgi care and They said my heart was in perfect condition. I then got into to my DOctor who is a DO. He told me that my upper body is not very strong. Although I go to the gym, I had decreased my weights for several reasons and I had noticed I’d lost strength in my upper body. I had been doing yoga for the past year, but had even eased up on some of those positions as I kept getting hip pain. In any case, he said I was out of alignment which was causing the chest pain, neck stiffness, nausea, dizziness, left arm pain etc. I believe I also may have slightly torn a muscle in my chest. This can take up to 3 months to heal. If your heart checks out normal, try seeing a DO or chiropractor.
I get a numb feeling in my face arm ... makes me think I’m having a stroke ..: I had cancer 5 years ago and that’s all I think about now .... I feel like I always have something wrong