Have had a really bad night, cannot sleep mind/heart racing & anxiety is through the roof. Anyone else awake to talk ?
Bad Night: Have had a really bad night... - Anxiety Support
Bad Night

Hey Arlene. Still up?
i have been feeling this way as well and it scares me badly i have been feeling like poop because of all the anxiety i have its horrible
I just PM’d you but maybe you’re no longer on.
Didnt get a pm from u yet.
Hey there, I'm having a similar night, just have felt so bad and scared..
Anxiety is thru the roof.
Can't sleep, afraid to sleep..
Happy to talk as well
Feel free to message any time.
Hope you feel better
Chest pains, head , neck , shakiness, dizziness... and many others
Hi currently awake going through the same thing. I'm having a hard time accepting this pain in my chest and arm is from anxiety. So scared to go to sleep. Your not alone 😔
Have u had this chest pain before or is this a new symptom ? I'm just so tired & wish I could fall asleep.
Something that helps me keep my mind off things is a good audio book, with a reader with a nice soothing voice.. many places to find free audio books, of all kinds... sometimes it's the only thing that helps me sleep, or do things during the day.
Ive been going through it off and on for 2 and a half months. Started out of no where. I never had chest pains in my life until that night. And ever since then its off and on literally the entire day i may get 10 minutes in between if I'm lucky. Its a deep pain. Sometimes tight sometimes sharp sometimes stabbing. In my chest my left shoulder and elbow sometimes my right chest and shoulder and in my upper neck between my shoulder blades. Absolutely horrified. Have been for over 2 months.
That sounds familiar to what I get, I've been to A&E and they check me out and tell me nothing wrong & put it down to anxiety. The pain I'm experiencing today is at the front of my shoulder & it's making me feel rather sickly too.
Its so awful. The hospitals dont even treat me like a human anymore. They are so ugly and rude to me as soon as they see me. So easy for them to say.... WE ALREADY TOLD U ITS ANXIETY, when they're not the one constantly experiencing chest and arm pain like this. Anyone else would feel exactly the same way i do .... TERRIFIED. It is all day long. Even when I'm in no way stressed or upset. I just dont understand. I just want to be ok.
You didn't happen to do something to injure yourself did you?
What your describing sounds very much like pulled / torn muscle or ligament damage... can take months to heal... and can happen just by twisting or pulling just the wrong way.
No. I went to get something to eat. Came home and vomited, laid down and my chest started then my arm. I can feel my heart beating so hard sometimes. Through my entire body. I lay down and it's like 78 beats per minute and as soon as i stand i get dizzy and take my pulse and it jumps from 78 to 118 126 130 so quickly. Just by standing up. I get the pain in my chest and i feel my heart beating so hard. 😔 I wish it were a pulled anything at this point. I just haven't done anything to have a pulled muscle. Its all in my chest arm and between my shoulder blades and sometimes on the right side of my chest and shoulder.
Have you had anxiety issues before this?
Well I'm constantly stressed out. I have 5 kids. Oldest being 18 youngest is 3 with autism. I always have alot going on and i over worry but never had actual anxiety i don't think and definitely never had these pains because of it. But anxiety is what the doctors keep telling me.
Holy Cheeseballs! No wonder your having chest pains....🤔
I can tell you from experience that long term stress can lead to sudden severe anxiety disorders/ attacks.
I was in a very similar situation for years, long term stress... then wham out of the blue major anxiety attack, thought was heart attack, but after about 100,000$ in tests ... was told anxiety..
I wont even be upset. Just sitting watching tv and it is back. It's so awful. Absolutely nothing helps.
Ive been to the hospital 20+ times and to a cardiologist. I had a stress echo and it was normal and all ekgs and chest xrays also normal. I have another echo the 21st and a pulmonary stress test the 27th.