Had enough: Today I can barely stand up.i... - Anxiety Support

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Had enough

Minnie87 profile image
25 Replies

Today I can barely stand up.i have butterflies throughout my tummy and that’s constant,I’m so lightheaded and heart racing and just feel so unwell.

I just want a 5 minute break from it.i don’t know how much longer I can cope with this.

I’m absolutely desperate.

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Minnie87 profile image
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25 Replies
kama24 profile image

Oh Minnie I so feel for you. I have really bad days where I feel FEAR, shake and my stomach is sick but the next day can be less bad. Do you take prescription meds? Have you ever told your dr. all your symptoms? Not a "cure" but have you ever tried Ativan, sublingual, 2mg (a prescription). It is my "last resort pill". It should not be taken on a regular basis but when the going gets rough it does help me. I take maybe 3 a week. It might be interesting to try to see if it gives you some relief. You are not alone.

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to kama24

If it wasn’t for my partner and children I swear I would want to die.

I feel so unwell.i feel like this every minute of every hour of everyday.even now in my sleep.

I’ve tried a couple of different tablets but they made me feel even worse.

Propranolol was okay.

I’ve just had enough.

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Minnie87

I feel so so alone.i feel like mine is on another level.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Minnie87

Believe me you are not alone though it feels it at times. Meds are not always the answer but for the lucky ones they do help. Is there any way you can keep active and try to keep your mind busy?...like knitting, adult colouring, a jig saw puzzle.....easy for me to say especially when I'm not "over the top" ...believe me I have been there. Is there a hot line in your city that is manned 24/7 and you can call and talk to someone. I know, talking doesn't always help either. I would ask your dr. about ativan. We are all here for you

cortisolqueen profile image
cortisolqueen in reply to Minnie87

You are not alone!! There are millions of us that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I know how hard it is to believe that this is anxiety but it is. I have been right where you are now. I was convinced I had some terrible disease and was dying. I also feared that I was going crazy. I still suffer today but I am much better than I was 3 years ago. Are you on any medications? Have you been checked out by a doctor?

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to cortisolqueen

Thank you.im just in such a bad way today.

I am scared.

My doctor has been good.

I have had ecgs,blood pressure,thyroid,b12,anemia,diabetes,complete blood count,liver and kidney function and more but I can’t remember.only got the results last week and I was praying something would show up.but didn’t.

I just want my life back.

Sorry if anyone is sick of my posts.i don’t want to make anyone angry because I keep repeating myself.

cortisolqueen profile image
cortisolqueen in reply to Minnie87

Don't worry about posting a lot, we are all seeking reassurance and feel better that someone else understands how we feel. If you never have suffered from this anxiety, you would never be able to understand what we go through. I would have never understood unless it had happened to me.

AnxietyMan41 profile image

Feeling the same here Minnie87 not butterflies but just awful. Perhaps we all need to hang out and just cry together. Ativan for me helps briefly. I take 1 mg twice a day sometimes more. It's a mindset we have ourselves in due to stresses and pressures and worries. Our minds dont cope like the normal human that can brush stuff off. We have to fight through it. Like you I have an amazing spouse and children that try there best but as you know it's still difficult. Why cant we count and focus on what we do have vs what we dont ot worry over. I feel deeply for you as I know the torment inside. And then the additional worries of what we are putting them through even though they do seem strong, it's a drain on everyone. My fear is it will become too much for them even though um reassured each day that I'm loved. God please help us change our minds to better and calmer thoughts. Remove our negativity and strife. Thanks for posting and please keep doing so its nice to know were not alone. God bless you.

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to AnxietyMan41

Hi all I totally get how your all feeling, do any of you get an odd feeling in your throat?

AnxietyMan41 profile image
AnxietyMan41 in reply to jjb1983

I'm sure it can give odd feelings anywhere. I know an aunt with anxiety and she always talks about her throat but not sure to what degree.

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to AnxietyMan41

Thank you,

We have such amazing kids and partners but yet we can’t do anything or in my case go out anywhere with them.its cruel and soul destroying and today I just feel so so fed up and unwell and I’ve had enough.

I love this site.i just don’t want people getting sick of me.

AnxietyMan41 profile image
AnxietyMan41 in reply to Minnie87

Message any time. Where all here for each other.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Minnie87

Dearest Minnie, we would never get sick in hearing from you. Unfortunately, you are like the majority of the people on this forum. Reaching out, hoping, praying that one

day this will all go away. Where better to come than to a site where others understand,

do not judge and where you can feel safe in opening up your feelings to us.

Those around us, who do not understand, can only pound us into the ground and make us feel hopeless and unworthy of society's attention.

I'd be the first to tell you how draining it is to struggle with these feelings everyday.

What ends up happening is that these feelings become the focus of our lives and we

merely exist putting one foot in front of the other but seemingly getting no where.

Finding the root of this anxiety is an important step to take with a therapist. Unlocking

the cause and reasons for all of this surfacing. Once you do that, then it's about learning to accept and change negativity type of mindset to a more positive one.

Right now Minnie, this is about you. You getting better before you can take on the family priorities. I know how it hurts. I use to think that my daughter would think that

all moms walk around with an ice pak on their head due to the numerous tension headaches. Commitments to go to school functions and meetings was terrorizing.

But you've got to believe, that once you find yourself again, this will all go away and if

not go away completely, it will be under your control and not anxieties.

Have you found anything at all that helps relieve your tension and stress?

Find a quiet moment and dissect your inner most fears, threats, sensations,

physical and emotional feelings. Piece by piece work with a therapist who can

help you understand where these are coming from. Knowing is learning. You

are your own best advocate. We're here for each other. xx

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Agora1

Oh agora.i was so hoping you would send me a message.

As always your words have really helped me.

I’m still waiting for my CBT.as I’m housebound they are arranging it over Skype so unfortunately it’s quite a long wait.

I’m still reading Claire weeks who I think was amazing and her words are so true.

I think I know what has caused this.unfortunatly it’s not something that can change or go away at the moment.

I just really need to see reality again and realise what this is.im just totally lost In it again and letting the symptoms engulf me.

I really need to find a little something to distract me in the meantime.the only thing that seems to help are cuddles from my 2 year old son and 6 year old daughter who miss me so much😥

How are you doing agora?how has your weekend been so far? Xxx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Minnie87

Hi Minnie, I'm doing fine, thank you for asking...

I think most of us on the forum have that stumbling block in our lives that

can't be changed at the moment. It causes our anxiety to continue at a low

boil. Enough to produce symptoms. Being agoraphobic brings on more

challenges in going forward. However, I am glad to see that you persevere and

soon will be starting CBT. It was a great tool for me during my house bound years.

Dr. Weekes' book was always the foundation in building my beliefs towards more

positive thoughts as well as learning to accept anxiety. Distraction is another tool

that helps with anxiety. Nothing better than hugs from your little ones.

Believe me when I say that all you have learned will help you, until one day, you

will see reality again. Nothing worth while comes easy. Especially our mental health. It's something we take for granted until we get lost in it.

Minnie, I see a persistence in you that will allow you to win in the end. Keep positive, stay strong and believe in your heart that this too shall pass.

Keep using the forum for support. I'm always here for you. With love, Agora1 xx

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Agora1

I have screenshotted your message for reassurance and to read on really difficult days.

Thank you for all your time and effort in replying to me as always agora.it means so much xxxx

Mavis12 profile image

So sorry you’re feeling this way.

But please know you aren’t alone.

I’ve been feeling constant anxiety the past few days now and for no reason. I know how frustrating it can be. You just want to be your normal self again but it feels like that person is so far away.

Just know that it can’t rain all of the time and you have lots of people here for you 🖤

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Mavis12

Hiya,thank you for your lovely message.

Everything you have said is so true.

I’m so sorry you are feeling this way too.

Especially when you don’t know the reasons for it.its horrible.

I’m here if you ever need a chat anytime x

19malpas profile image

Sorry to hear you are not well, I know how u feel I've been like it for a long time now dñt know what to do with myself, i did have a fairly food day on thurs thought.I'd cracked it, but same again now had to ring psyc to bring my apt earlier, she is trying to find a tab that will help me. is there a doc u can go to for some help

Minnie have you ever tried an ativan or Xanax?

Maybe you can try a low dose of that first to see if it helps you?? Then if you like the results you can look on tonsoemthing daily

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to

I’ve tried propranolol and sertraline.my doctor hasn’t mentioned Xanax or Ativan.to be honest I really don’t want to try meds.i want to get on top of this naturally if possible xx

in reply to Minnie87

Minnie I’ve heard a lottt of people say the medicine helped them to push foward in order to do it naturally ... that’s what I think Im going to do

in reply to Minnie87

Did you give the Zoloft 6 weeks?

How are you feeling?

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