Hello all. I am an 18 year old male and Tuesday I had a little illness come on. I woke up from a nap and just didn’t feel right. I ended up throwing up the food I had eaten before my nap and I thought that would be all. Unfortunately, it’s Friday and I think my mind is keeping me tied to this illness. I still don’t have an appetite, I am having the worst heartburn ever, and it’s freaking me out. I just wanna get to feeling better. I have only thrown up the one time, I haven’t had a fever or anything. No severe pain. But this anxiety has kept me from school for 3 days, and as an AP student that is unacceptable. I’ve tried eating bananas and applesauce and crackers and everything. I never throw up. I just don’t wanna eat much. I’m taking probiotics every morning and evening as well. What brought all this on? Any advice would be helpful. Thank you!
Recovering from illness: Hello all. I am an... - Anxiety Support
Recovering from illness

Hi Galaxii,
Sounds like a little bug or something you ate that didn't agree with you.
I'm 51 so I've been around awhile What you describe happens to me on avg once per year. Oh except for the years when I was pregnant and that first trimester I became a pro at vomiting
Sorry, TMI. My go-to for at least a few days after a vomiting episode is ginger ale and saltines. Mostly ginger ale. Perfect for the upset/queasy tummy. It's normal for you to not be hungry for a few days or even more if you got a little bug or ate something that didn't agree with you.
I'd say keep eating simple carbs and drink plenty of fluids until this passes. The fluids are key of course so you don't get dehydrated. No coffee, avoid dairy but clear liquids (juice, sodas, water) are good. I do saltines and ginger ale for a week sometimes. Get some sleep/rest. See your doc of course if it goes on and on, if you start feeling worse, you get a fever, return of vomiting, etc
Oh! And send your teachers a note letting them know you've been under the weather and need some extra time on assignments/tests etc. They'll give it to you No big, you'll catch up!
Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it
Also if you have heartburn check with your doc but maybe some tums for a few days. The esophagus/tummy get a little raw from the vomiting and the stomach produces a little more acid with no/little food to act on. I usually do Tums for a few days along with my saltines/ginger ale diet I think you'll be good as new in no time
It sounds like some gastrointestinal problem. I would see a doctor for it. I suffer from heart burn and I was prescribed these pills that work wonders. You might also want to look up food that cause heartburn so you can avoid them. And try not to lay flat.
If you have been sick it will take time for the tummy to pull itself around.
You can get stuff to settle tummy at the chemist. Allow twenty four/twenty eight hours for the tummy to settle, try eating cooked boiled rice and clear water or tea. this will help. Have you got the skits ?. If so Immodium or similar will stop the runs