I am reducing my antidepressants sertraline from 100mg to 50mg as I want to come of them I have been on them over 10 years and I just don’t wanna be on them anymore even though my anxiety and depression is horrible , it’s been 2 days and I feel bad already sweating racing heart and so on is this normal? Has anyone had this how long does it last
reducing antidepressants : I am reducing my... - Anxiety Support
reducing antidepressants

Try reducing them more slowly. A gradual taper may be safer and easier.
Hi Kaaayla
Are you coming off the medication on your own? After being on them 10 years, I wouldn't
recommend it. Remember when you were first put on the pills, how long it took for your
body and brain to adjust. Well, it's the same when getting off medication. It would be
wise to have your doctor address the process. I've never come off an SSRI but did with
Benzos years ago. It was a slow but safe process and even with that, there were symptoms.
As b1b1b1 stated reducing them more slowly may help but I still suggest a doctor
overseeing this. Wishing you well. Let us know of your progress. We care. xx
no my doctor is reducing them as I just don’t wanna be on them anymore! Iv been on them 15years Im nearly 30 my I feel awful is it normal? How do u cope with the side effects
I don’t think I can reduce them I want to I have been for couple days and I feel awful sweating feel like everything around me is different. Pains in chest awful anxiety !!
Kaaayla, you've been on this medication for half your life and it may be better, as
Jameshuh states in that you need a doctor who specializes in tapering medication.
It is a slow weaning process which must be delicately balanced. After all, your brain
has gotten use to the meds doing all the work. Now it takes time for your body to
adjust to making the chemicals needed on your own.
I'm not a doctor but certainly cutting the dose in half as a start, I would think could
make the symptoms worse. Is your doctor a psychiatrist? It's a hard journey but
can be done slowly and safely but it takes time. Small steps lead to big rewards.
My best to you dear Kaaayla xx
No my doctor is just my gp that’s all not my psychiatrist .. I just feel awful I dunno how to stop this feeling it just makes me not want to come off them which I want to but I can’t take these symptoms. I feel like my brain n everything around me is different
Kaaayla, I totally understand the terrible feelings and symptoms that are
surfacing. Maybe it's too much a cut, too soon. In my case with benzos, it
took small cuts every 2 weeks. Never going back up but bearing through the
symptoms. Benzos are different so you can't compare what you are feeling
to mine. I will tell you that every fear that I had seemed magnified but I never
gave up. But then again, my psychiatrist is a specialist in Benzo weaning. He
actually used the Dr. Heather Ashton method which is a cut back
in the benzo while transferring to another longer acting benzo until I was
finally on zero pills. (Because of the length of time I was on these pills, 30 years)
it took me 2 years to completely be off them another year for my brain to
heal. I'm not saying you will experience the same but maybe find yourself a
specialist who can take you off completely and safely. The one thing that kept
me going was knowing that I was going in the right direction each 2 weeks.
At the end dear, it was worth every painful experience to be totally off the medication.
Life has been good and I only wish that for you as well. xx
Thankyou so much agora for always giving the best advice and being there!! im going to try get a psychiatrist so I can come of them slowly. Because I feel awful I dunno weather to just go bk to the 100mg x
Kaaayla, let the psychiatrist decide what's best for you.
I hope you find one soon. Keep us updated during this
difficult journey. xx
Hi Kaayla, this doctor specialises in tapering medication he has great advice I hope you find it useful. I hope you are feeling better soon. youtube.com/@taperclinic
I was taking my med every other day to go off of it, and had 6 weeks. At 5 weeks the rebound was so bad I was hospitalized. They had me detox completely for a week and prescribed me different medications for my anxiety that were similar to ones I took for a while.
Rebound sucks, but it’s easier when you have more direct supervision form medical professionals. However you need to be able to try other meds for your symptoms. Not sure of your situation, but I’m glad I went to psychiatric facility.
Sorry to hear you was in hospital from it. I do have diazepam maybe I will take them to try not feel so awful it’s put me of dropping dose of my medication I feel like I’m going to die from it! I’m just trying to drop from 100mg to 50mg. But finding it hard already and it’s only been couple days didn’t know you could get symptoms that quick x
I think you have cut down too quickly. Also you are probably anxious about cutting down on the meds. Go back to your GP. Everybody acts different to the side effects of medications, wether going on or coming off of them. Your GP does not know how you are going to react and you need to tell them. Call 111 if you need advice over the weekend they were so helpful when my Mum had a bad reaction to Antibiotics. Take care x
I suggest that you quit trying to get off the med and instead focus on healing your depression/anxiety and when you are stable for a good period of time you can taper off of it if you still want to. I've seen numerous people on here quit their medication and get worse instead of better and regret trying to quit it in the first place. If you are already anxious/depressed quitting a med is going to just increase it and add more stress especially since you are so hyperfocused on your feelings and sensations.
I don't know the answer for your particular medication. However, I'm there with you. I'm trying to stop taking Lexapro and Wellbutrin. So far once I tapered off it's been pretty awful. A lot of depression and anxiety. I don't know if it's because of needing more time to for to leave my system or if it was a mistake. I hope it goes well for you