I have had anxiety for about 2 to 3 years. My main problems are over worrying and overthinking about many things. I’m in counseling and going to try meditation. I have had my fair share of ups and downs with anxiety. But right now I particularly feel beaten down. My anxiety makes me feel physically sick and I’m always worried about my health and mental stability. I’m just looking for someone who can relate and what should I do to help with my sever anxiety. Thank you <3
I feel hopeless : I have had anxiety for... - Anxiety Support
I feel hopeless

Hi autumnmarie, these symptoms your having are all real and all relate to your anxiety. I was where you were two years ago, nothing I did helped. When I reached out for help and finally went to see a counsellor. One of the first things that helped me was that she told me it was ok to feel like this. The next thing she told me was that I should forgive myself for feeling like this, it’s been a tough road to get to me, and together we can look at what brought you here to me. I guess what I am saying is , take a deep breathe and forgive yourself for feeling like this. Your not well, if you had flu you would spend time in bed, watching crap that makes you feel better. You would sleep, you would sleep more, you would not see people who wind you up or make you feel worse. But most of all you would take care of your body until it felt better. Your brain is a little poorly you and it have been through a lot, it needs your help to take care of it. Big hug keep strong, you are amazing and the anxiety will cease a little if you accept what is and try to relax a little.
How do you get rid of it ... it’s such a horrible feeling , I just want to be normal

This is going to sound like an old cliche. But time, rest, remove the things that make you stressed and anxious if possible. Seek medical support but most of all seek help from a group or other people. Go for a walk in the countryside, take each day and do the thing your brain and body are ready for. Two years ago I could not stand in a que in Waitrose, today I have traveled alone in a train to London used the underground and attend and held meetings with strangers. I still have wobbles and poorer days. I have just stopped beating myself up about them. I have found forgiving myself is the first step.
Are you on medication I think I’m going to have to give in

Yes had to accept that I was too poorly. I was so worried about taking the meds. I felt the stigma and worried I was loosing it. The truth is the meds slowed everything down and made me stop. It was a tough three weeks at first felt tired, and out of it. But then I noticed I was not so anxious and that I was able to have a normal conversation with my wife. I also arranged for some counselling which helped more. I am still working on myself and have down days. However, they are getting fewer
That’s so awsome... how long have you been on the meds?

Approx. Two years, I also had a year of work.
I know how you feel. And knowing that so many family members count on me doesnt help..makes me all the more stressed. Cant work..not much income so cant afford meds. Gotta snap out if this fog. Trying b vitamens and turmeric curcumin which i read online might help. Vitamen c is supposed to help and bananas has something in them that is supposed to help. Maybe time will heal but i need to get back to help my mom and i have people to help with rides. Cant even take myself anywhere right now
Need to try to drive tomorrow to the post office to mail an ebay sale..all the grocery money i can get my hands on thru ebay. I know i wont sleep thinki g about maki g myself do it. Havent driven in two weeks. I know i have never passed out before but fear there could be a first time behind the wheel. Pray for me as i will pray for all of you...